Kanon? Eh...Who is he?

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I went home and shiro kept singing,"I smell a brother in law! A brother in law? A brother in law! my sister will get married! Married! Then I'll be an aunty!"

I wacked her on the last part and she scowled at me and started singing again until I was at the point of crazydom.

I glared daggers at her until she stopped and fled to her room.

Sigh. I have never been so confused in my life.

Love or be loved?

I don't know. I haven't love anyone since my ex-boyfriend Kanon cheated on me with Saru a girl in my highschool class.

I was going to give him a valentines day gift when Suddenly I decided instead of waiting for him at the gates of the school why not at his apartment?

I lit candles in the kitchen and lit some rose incense just how he likes it and I made sure the scent wafted throughout the room before sitting on his bed with a hug teddy bear on my lap holding a batch of chocolates I had just made.

I waited for what seemed like an eternity and when the door opened my gaze shot up and I felt my heart turn to stone. Or glass whatever as long as it breaks.

Kanon was holding Saru in his arms kissing her passionately and I stared at the whole scene with horrified feelings.

Kanon was shirtless and Saru.......Well she never wears much anyway but, I felt an awful pain in my heart.

I cleared my throat and Kanon looked up and saw me and I saw his face turn white.

I dropped the teddy and chocolates and fled the room and I never turned back.

Wow. I really need a life. Still agonizing over such a guy. I picked a pearl pink nail polish and painted my nails deep in thought.

So deep in thought that I forgot to leave my phone off. It wailed like a siren and IT only shut up after I picked it up.


SIlence then a hoarse,"Hana? It's Jamie."

I blew on my nails and asked,"Whazzup James? I haven't heard from you since 4ever."

"Yeah. Well I am hosting a high school reunion and I was wondering if you were free?"

"Yeah sure I'll go. Do I need to bring anything?"

"Just yourself and a date...........Well you don't have to bring a date but, Uh Kanon is going to be here so I thought it would be best if you had a mans protection for this. "

"Alright then. When is this reunion thingy?"

"In two days. Listen Hana I know what Kanon did to you and if you want i can uninvite him......."

"Chill out James....I got it covered. No man's gonna walk over me like that again!"

I hung up of getting told that is was in Lazzay hotel and it is in the party room.

I pulled out the #'s of the only men I knew and I stared at them a long while.

WHo am I going to call?


Okay everyone you know the drill.

If you want her to use Ren as a stand in for her date the go to chapter Ren and Kanon

If you want her to use Kei as her fake boyfriend then go to chapter Kei and Kanon

If your choice so choose whoever you like best.


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