A long day 2

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I had just tended to the last soccor player when suddenly Kei burst in and I jumped back in surprise.

He gave me a sunny smile and said,"Good morning Hana. I hope you had a good nights rest."

I shrugged. I was too tired to even give a proper response.

"Well since your boss gets along with me I think that you should spend your lunch with me."

My lips twitched. I eat lunch alone to avoid all the brats running around. Why should I eat with him?

One hour later....................................................................................

WHY am I eating with HIM?

I unpacked my lunch and Shiro sat down with me and I felt that the students were staring at me and I felt very uncomfortable.

Well what can a girl do?

I ate in silence and I saw Ren following a group of older boys somewhere and I felt immediate anxiety.

A fight here of all places?

Kei noticed my distress and asked if I wanted to take some medicine.

I nodded rapidly and got to my office and flopped unto the bed.

My body relaxed and I closed my eyes sleep coming easily.

I slept unaware that I was being watched.

---------------------------------------------------------Kei-------------------------------------------------------------------------She looks pale.

I watched as she tossed and turned in her sleep and she would groan every now and then but, I couldn't help but, stare.

Hey I am a guy too.

She hasn't  been looking well since I had last seen her. I brushed the hair out of her eyes and she shivered. My fingers brushed her cold cheek and with that I covered her up with a white blanket and left her to sleep.

I fingered her charm between my fingers and thought.

What would usually give a woman worries?

I can't think of one certain thing. Oh well. She mumbled and cuddled with the pillow her cheek warm from sleep.

I can tell that she will be a challenge.

However I like it this way.

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