Molly Weasley (i)

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Okay, Molly 'way cooler than your average mom' Weasley

At first I really liked her. In the movies she was really good and caring. In the books, I didn't care about her much - she was a mother of 7 kids, accepted Harry. But then I realised a few things.

She made Ron feelt unloved. He never felt worthy of family, and she always cared about him the least. In his first year, she made him a sweater in a color he disliked, she never expected anything from him and was clearly surprised when he become prefect - because of her, Ron has problems with jealousy.

She constantly yelled at the twins, destroying their products and didn't let them have their joke shop. They never were kids for the ministry - it was obvious. It's important for parents to understand that not all kids are the same. She constantly did her utter best to stomp on the twins dreams, and just generally treated them like crap. Always comparing them to their brothers. Always pointing out flaws and inadequacies. Constantly working against them, despite the ambition, commitment, and initiative they showed. I would have gone mad if my mother treated me that way.

She disliked Fleur for no reason. She refused to be in same room with her while they were alone. She took control over Bill's wedding and cut his hair days before it - even if he clearly said that his hair was beautiful to him. But, no, Molly Weasley can't have children expressing their opinions in her house.

When she was upset about Harry, Ron, and Hermione foregoing their final year of school, she tried to disrupt and ruin their plans. This one isn't terrible, but, honestly woman!? Try a little communication, maybe?

The way she treated Hermione in GOF, even when Hermione didn't do anything wrong.

After Rita's full of lies articles-it's easy to see that Molly turned cold towards to Mione. Her Christmas gifts and her cold glares and forced conversations are proving enough in my opinion.

Even though she changed her behaviour to Hermione right after Harry pointed the truth, imagine yourself in Hermione's place; one of your best friends' mother does not like you and it's not even because something you did wrong.

I honestly would be sad if I was her.

I mean, when the Weasleys + Harry and Hermione came back from the Quidditch World Cup, Rita Skeeter had written an article in which she mentioned that Mr. Weasley hadn't disclosed any info about the consequences of the Death Eater attack.

To this, Percy said that it was his father's fault, and that he shouldn't even have said what he had said, and to which Molly replied to something along the lines of 'Don't you dare blame your father for something that wretched Skeeter woman wrote'.

Wow Molly, I appreciate your trust in your husband. But why believe Rita Skeeter about the amazing girl who has helped out your sons and is one of Ginny's best friends when you're not gonna believe it about your husband? Low blow woman.

The way she treated Sirius was unacceptable - She was in his house, he was in the order and practically the only family Harry had. I understand that she helped him and Harry loved her, but Sirius was James' best friend. Sirius always knew what Harry needed to know. Yes, Sirius was immature and childish, but they were family.

"Yes," said Mrs. Weasley, her lip curling, "the thing is, it's been rather difficult for you to look after him while you've been locked up in Azkaban, hasn't it?"

She literally put him in nose that he wasn't there. Sirius was aware of that. And it hurt him more then anything. If I was him, she would get hard hexed right in the head.

In CoS, despite seeing them both at the same time after Ginny had been rescued, Molly only thanked Harry, she did not thank Ron despite the fact that he went into the Chamber of Secrets as well to rescue Ginny.

She isn't as strong as everyone says. Sorry, but this is my opinion. The fight between her and Bellatrix was unrealistic. Yeah, yeah, love is everything, big fucking deal. She couldn't fight a fucking Boggart, but she killed Voldemort's most loyal follower? Please, thank you, next.

She didn't have a job. The Weasleys were really poor at that time, and she still didn't work anywhere. At the time when Ginny went to school, she had no kids at home. What was stopping her?

There are much more reasons, but there are lot of questions about Molly so you simply can look there. I like the rest of the Weasleys (except Ginny of course), but she, in my opinion, is annoying and bad. There are worse, but she isn't a good mother.

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