Albus Dumbledore (ii)

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6. He was responsible for Sirius' death.

Not only did he ruin Harry’s life, he ruined Sirius’. He ruined Sirius in the worst way possible, and was definitely responsible for Sirius’ death.

Look. Harry might blame himself for this one because Sirius was rushing to save him, but what was Dumbledore thinking when he made Sirius stay in the home that he was neglected in and probably abused in for his entire childhood?

The Black family were not good people. They were insane blood supremacists. Sirius ended up being murdered by his own cousin. And yet, here’s Dumbledore, thinking it’s okay to lock him up in that house 24/7.

Did he seriously believe that it wouldn't drive him to do anything rash or self-destructive? Do you know Sirius Dumbledore?

Sirius, was notorious for being impulsive and passionate. Thanks, Dumbledore.

7. He let the House Elf enslavement continue.

Wow. Dumbledore offered to pay the house-elves a tiny amount for their service and give them bare minimum work vacations – therefore, he’s a saint, right?

No. The house-elves were still slaves and Dumbledore was doing very little to try and change that. You’re the headmaster of a magic school.

Magic doesn’t allow food to be brought from thin air. I know, this is canon – but is Dumbledore trying to say it couldn’t have been used for food preparation or cleaning? Or that a school with that much money couldn’t have paid the house-elves a living wage or employed actual people?

Sure, the house-elves would have refused, initially – but Dumbledore wasn’t willing to try very hard to change the slave culture surrounding them. Clearly he had more important things to worry about, like lying to Harry…

8. He left Harry with the Dursleys.

I can hear Dumbledore's excuses already. He would probably say that Harry was only safe under the roof of a blood relative... that they were his only blood relatives left.

The thing is, though, he wasn’t safe. Not by any stretch of the imagination. He was neglected and abused until he left that house, and for the first 11 years of his life, he felt completely strange and unwanted. 

That’s damaging to any kid, and Dumbledore is lucky Harry turned out as selfless as he did, or all of his plans to defeat Voldemort would have been dashed.

Anyway. Sure, Voldemort couldn’t hurt him under their roof, but Harry went wandering off on his own so many times because he hated that house, and Voldemort could have easily snatched him off the street at some point.

The only thing putting Harry did was keeping order in the magical world -- it literally had nothing to do with Harry's own wellbeing.

9. He didn't protect Harry from the Triwizard Tournament.

I want to know what Dumbledore was thinking when he decided to let the Triwizard Tournament run its course and let Harry compete, rather than pulling him out immediately. 

It was clear that Harry didn’t enter himself. It couldn’t have been more obvious—even in the beginning—that there was some serious dark magic at play. Like, literally, this has never happened before in the history of Hogwarts, so what the hell was he thinking?

Dumbledore is supposed to be hella smart and know tons about magic (both dark and good). And what does Dumbledore do? Shrug and sit back, almost as if he’s too curious to see what will happen to actually bother protecting Harry.

Nice. This really showed us who actually cared about Harry, Dumbledore. Look at how this one turned out in the end.

10. He lets dangerous things come to Hogwarts.

Dumbledore doesn’t seem to give a shit that his school is overrun by dangerous things. It’s right next to the Forbidden Forest, which is known for werewolves and other dangerous creatures that could kill someone – and yet, at no point ever does he attempt to clear out the forest. In fact, he actually lets a detention happen IN it... at night.

Um, what?!

And this isn’t all. Hogwarts repeatedly proves itself to be an excessively dangerous place, with Dumbledore doing absolutely nothing to protect the students. At one point, there are Dementors around it. Yes, he’s furious, but he doesn’t seem to have argued against it particularly hard… And all of this combined makes it seem like Dumbledore doesn’t really care too much for the welfare of his students.

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