Serena (i)

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I don't have words to describe how much I hate this girl. But I'll try and explain anyway, because you people will hate me unless I give you legitimate reasons.

So, for those of you who don't know who Serena is, she is from the anime called 'Pokemon'. She is the most popular female counterpart of Ash, and I don't see any good reasons for it.

First of all, what does Serena inspire us to do or inspire us to be? Absolutely nothing.

Misty forever lived in the shadows of her sisters, so much that she left her home to become a Pokemon trainer and vowed to never come back. Her selfish sisters made her believe that she wasn't as pretty, or as good enough as them. And that is so inspirational for little girls with same problems. She teaches us that anyone can be good enough with practice and training.

May has a father who is crazy famous in her home town. If she just stayed and trained there, she would be as famous as him. But no, she chooses to write her own fate and gain her own popularity by starting from scratch. If that isn't fucking amazing, I don't know what is. May is one of the most underrated pokegirls and I think she deserves more love.

I don't know much about Dawn or Iris, I'm sorry, because I haven't seen their Pokemon seasons yet. If someone could comment what Dawn stands for, then it would be really helpful.

And what does Serena teach us? That you should follow your crush on his journey like the creepy stalker you are? That you follow him even though he doesn't remember who you are or give two shits about it? That you should not even try to catch Pokemon to become a better trainer?

Serena also judges Pokemon by their looks. She only catches the Pokemon who she thinks are 'cute' and doesn't have any interest in catching other Pokemon. Not to mention that throughout the series, Serena only has three Pokemon? Like bitch???? If she's trying to become a performer then doesn't she need to have more Pokemon to get a higher score?

In one episode, she chops her hair off for no reason at all. Like omfg, she didn't have to do that if she wanted to start a new life! That is really just a shallow Mary Sue trait. I wish they had given more depth to that scene so girls could actually relate to it, and not just on a beauty-basis.

She is the reason why other amazing pokegirls such as Misty and May don't get much respect and are hated because they talked to Ash. Amourshippers are just toxic to people who don't like Serena or Amourshipping. Their ship is just cancer... Hate it.... Burn it...

Serena is also the reason why ship wars even happen in Pokemon. If she hadn't been announced in the show, then there would be no toxic shipping wars between Amour and Pearl or Amour and Poke.

Personally I think that Serena is a stalker. She only became a trainer just to follow Ash. Like bitch, go on your own. If you want to become a performer, then go alone, not with trainers. No-one wants to see you frown when you lose because your Pokemon wasn't cute enough for the audience.

And like I mentioned it before, Amourshipping is just cancer. The fan base has taken it too far, which made the ship unbearable for me. It's the same as Percabeth, really. Sweet innocent boy and abusive bitch shipped together and celebrated like it's good. When it isn't. No.

The fan base even dragged their little ship through Sun and Moon by saying "Omg, she's coming back!"

I think all these theories about Serena coming back sort of brought her back into the fandom. People started making weird art about Ash and her. Like for god's sake, they're ten! I actually didn't go to instagram for three months to avoid that shit.

Serena sort of placed the spotlight on herself, like most of the people didn't even care about Ash's journey anymore, they just cared about Serena's big fat crush. Practically all of her moments somewhat hinted to her crush, which ruined the show for me and made it less enjoyable.

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