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15 Signs Harry Potter And Ginny Weasley Weren't Meant To Be

True love? Yeah ok.

I've never liked the idea of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley dating because I always felt like it was too cliché. When the Harry Potter series first came out, I had hoped that Harry would wind up with Luna because I felt that the two characters connected on a deeper level and she would be able to use her empathic nature to help Harry heal from all of the trauma he has suffered.

Sadly, my worst fears were confirmed in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I had to watch as one of my favorite characters snogged a person who was a complete bully and an obnoxious jock. To make matters worse, Ginny's character wasn't fleshed out at all, and yet we kept getting told that she was pretty, a powerful witch, etc.

In my opinion, R*wling created a Mary Sue and forgot the main rule of writing: show, not tell. Perhaps if Ginny were given a character arc, the ensuring Harry/Ginny romance would not have been so toxic and cliché.

For my fellow Potterheads who have always wondered why so many people loathe the Harry/Ginny pairing, the following list explores why fans like me feel the relationship is toxic.

An Obsessed Fangirl

One of the worst things about the Harry/Ginny relationship is that the latter hero-worshipped the Boy-Who-Lived for YEARS. The first time Harry met Ginny, she acted like a typical teeny-bopper meeting her childhood crush. Don't get me wrong, I'm not unsympathetic to the fact that Ginny made an ass of herself when she was 12.

That being said, Ginny never grew out of her teeny-bopper phase and specifically tells Harry in book six that "she knew he'd never be happy unless he was hunting Voldemort and that's why she likes him."

Ginny doesn't care about Harry's good qualities, he's STILL the heroic Boy-Who-Lived in her eyes and that's a pretty shitty basis for a romantic relationship.

Harry Is Superficial

I hate saying this because I am quite fond of the Harry Potter character and I'm a fan of Daniel Radcliffe, but Harry IS superficial. The only reason why he even noticed Ginny in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is due to the fact that he realized that she was "attractive."

When we saw Harry's inner monologue, it was never about musing over how kind-hearted she was or how Ginny truly understood him. No, it was always about how beautiful her hair was or how pretty her eyes were. How is that the basis of a romantic relationship?

Ginny's beauty is going to fade, and once it does, Harry's going to be stuck married to someone he doesn't really have a true emotional connection with.

Harry's A Hypocrite

Harry is a total hypocrite when it comes to his romantic relationship with Ginny.

Up until the sixth book, Harry insisted to his friends (and Severus Snape) that he absolutely HATED it when people 'hero-worshipped' him and called him "the Boy-Who-Lived." It made him rightfully uncomfortable, especially when people kept staring at his lightning bolt scar. That's why I'm shocked that he wound up dating Ginny, who was basically the biggest Harry Potter fangirl ever. Hypocritical much, Harry?

It still baffles me that a character who absolutely SHUNNED the limelight for YEARS would wind up with a shallow girlfriend who spent YEARS fantasizing about him and never even bothered to get to know the REAL Harry. What did Ginny do, use a love potion on him?

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