The Original Family || 9

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The New Orleans sun was shinning down on everyone who walked through the French quarter. The tourist were taking pictures and enjoying the music and art. That is was surrounded Elena since they've reached the quarter. 

She hadn't really went sight seeing the last time she was in the Quarter but today she planned to do as much sight seeing as possible as well as getting a feel of the city. She wanted to know her way around. 

Stefan and Rebekah weren't far behind her while she enjoyed everything the city brought. Rebekah and Stefan both explained what things were and how long they have been around. Rebekah even talked about what is still the same in the city. 


Elijah rushed down the steps, he was late. Not fifteen or twenty minutes late, three hours late. This wasn't like him. To be so worked up about being late but he was. He just didn't know why. When he knocked on Elena's door she didn't answer. He listened for any sign or movement or breathing but nothing. 

He walked into the library. Maybe that is where she went to read. He was met with Kol, Bonnie, and Freya talking about magic.

They looked over to him. "What are you doing, Elijah?" Freya asked looking back down to the grimoire. 

"Looking for Elena, have you seen her?" Elijah looked at the three who were sat down around a table. 

"I haven't seen her since she came back from your guys training." Freya kept her gaze on the grimoire as Elijah gulped. "She seemed upset when she walked in." 

"Did she say why?" Elijah asked, masking him emotions. 

"Nope," Freya popped the p. 

"Rebekah said that she was going out with Elena and Stefan." Kol sighed as if it was a hassle to tell Elijah such information. 

"Why didn't she tell me? I could've taken her out to enjoy New Orleans." Elijah looked from Freya to Kol and then to Bonnie. 

"I don't think your girlfriend would be fond of the idea of you and Elena spending a day alone together." Kol leaned back in his chair as he drank from his glass. 

"Elena just wanted to get out of the house for a while, don't think to much of it Elijah." Bonnie tried to ease his nerves. She could tell he was stressing out even though he didn't show it. 

"Thank you for letting me know. I'll let the three of you get back to what you were doing." Elijah walked out of the Library. Elena wanted to get out the house. That didn't ease his nerves at all, she probably wanted to get away from him. God, why is he so stuck on the thought of her being mad at him.

He needed a drink. He walked to the small bar that was next to the kitchen. He poured himself a drink and loosened his tie. Klaus decided to walk in at that time. "Good Afternoon, Brother." Klaus poured himself something. 

"Niklaus," Elijah nodded. 


Elena was having a great time, she felt happy and free. New Orleans was a great place to just have fun and party. And that is exactly what they were gonna do. They had started at a small bar on the out skirts of the French Quarter. They made their way from there, going to every singe bar in sight. 

They danced, drank, and ate all afternoon long. When the sun started to set the three vampires walked into a bar called Rousseau's. The smell of liquor, food, and sex engulfed their nostrils. Music, laughter, voices pounded in the ears. 

Going to the bar, they each sat down on a stool. "What can I get for the three of you?" Elena looked at the girl's name tag. 

"Can we get your strongest drink, Lily?" Elena was polite and gave the girl a smile. 

"Coming right up," Lily smiled and started to mix their drinks.

Stefan and Rebekah were flirting with each other when Lily placed the drinks in front of them. Lily smiled and placed the drink in front of Elena. 

Stefan and Rebekah finished their drinks and went to the dance floor. "Your friends seem nice," Lily pointed towards the two. 

Elena turns to them and smiles. She was happy Stefan was finally allowing himself to be happy and move on. She had seen the way him and Rebekah were together, they seemed right for each other. "Yeah, when they want to be."

"So, what's bothering you so much that it has you drinking tonight?" Lily questioned as she cleaned a glass. Elena looked at her suspiciously. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want. But I read somewhere that bottling up those emotions can hurt you even more. Plus I'm a bartender, we tend to be really good listeners." 

Elena slightly smiled, she might as well talk to somebody about it. Get an outside opinion and all. "There's this guy, Elijah. I've known him for almost four years and he's my friends older brother," Elena pointed to Rebekah. 

"Ah, I see and what happened with this Elijah?" Lily asked. 

"Our friendship started off in an unusual way but I always found him attractive but when we met I was dating him," Elena pointed to Stefan. "Anyways, Elijah was someone who I could talk to and trust at times. About a year ago or so, Elijah and I kissed. It was different from any other kiss I have ever had. I wasn't really myself at the time but I still remember the feeling of his lips on mine."

Elena paused thinking about that moment. "After that we didn't see much of each other because he's family moved here. My best friend is sorta with his brother and she lives with them. So, Stefan, my ex over there and my other best friend decided to come visit because we haven't seen her in person in a year. That's when things get messy." 

"What happened when you got here?" Lily asked. 

"Well Elijah offered to show me around. I guess you could say the three of us had our own personal tour guides. Anyway, Elijah and I started hanging out a lot we would go on runs and workout together," It wasn't a complete lie but she couldn't tell the stranger about the supernatural. 

"Things were great, I started having feelings for him. Then, he brought his girlfriend home." Elena sighed. 

"Girlfriend?" Lily's eyes widen. 

"My exact reaction to the news. I guess none of his siblings like her but she makes him happy. I just-this morning we were supposed to go on and he didn't show up. I waited an hour. When I went back home I knocked on his door and his girlfriend answered she said he was in the shower. After that I decided I needed to get out of the house and those two came with me." Elena looked to Stefan and Rebekah who were now making out against a wall. 

"Well that's some story. I can tell you to try and move on but from personal experience I know how hard that can be. I think before you take a step to move on you need to talk to Elijah about how you feel and if he don't feel the same way then screw him. You need to make sure he doesn't feel the same way before you move on." Lily slid another drink to Elena. 

"You're right. I need to talk to him in order for me to make my next choice." Elena nodded. 

"Now enjoy your night. Let loose." Lily nodded behind Elena. Elena turned around and a tall handsome man stood there with a smile. 

"Hello," Elena smiled. 

"Hey, what's your name?" He smiled. 

"Elena, and yours?" Elena got lost in his hazel eyes. He was tall, dark, handsome, with beautiful eyes. 

"Gabe. Can I buy you a drink?" He asked. 

Elena nodded. Gabe sat next to her and they both began drinking.

To Be Continued...

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