The Original Family||7

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The Next Day

Bonnie slowly opened her eyes, the sun shinning through the white curtains. She felt an arm around her waist and looked down at it. Memories of the night before flashed through her mind. "Shit." She whispered. She slowly tried to push his arm off her waist. When it was almost off, it tightened around her waist. 

Her breath hitched and she froze. "Trying to sneak away already, darling?" Kol whispered in her ear. His hot breath sent shivers down her spine. 

"No. I was simply trying to leave without waking you up." Bonnie said. 

"So, sneaking away." Kol's soft lips grazed her shoulder. His hand around her waist went under the blanket and slowly grazed his fingers on her bare stomach. He kissed her shoulder up to her neck. He found her sweet spot and sucked, just as two fingers reached into her core. She let out a moan as her eyes shut. She bit her bottom lip, trying to suppress another moan. 

Kol went harder and fast wanting her to moan. Finally Bonnie broke. "Kol." Bonnie's eyes rolled back as did her head. Kol's lips moved to her throat his teeth grazed her skin making her moan. 


"Are they really, doing it again?" Caroline asked, incredulously. She sat down at the table. 

"Sound like it." Elena said stabbing at her eggs. 

"Why so aggressive?" Rebekah asked, watching Elena stab her eggs forcefully. 

"Couldn't sleep again, Elena?" Caroline asked, with a smirk.

Elena looked up from her plate and glared at Caroline. Caroline laughed quietly. "Where is Elijah?" Stefan asked as he set his cup of blood back on the table. 

"He left this morning, said he be back for breakfast." Freya said as she started cutting her pancakes. 

"I heard him leaving at 5 this morning." Klaus said drinking some blood from his cup. 

"Yeah, I had woke up to get something to drink and he was leaving." Freya said. 

"Do you know where he was going?" Caroline asked. She had a few ideas of where Elijah was sneaking off to. She hoped she wasn't right. 

"Probably to see-" Rebekah stopped talking as she heard the door open and voices. 

"Are you sure, Elijah? I don't think your sisters and Caroline like me very much." The women's voice said. 

"Hayley, they just need to get to know you better. They'll love you once they get to know you." Elijah said. 

Elena's fork dropped and her mouth hung open. How could she be so stupid? Of course Elijah would never like her, he has Hayley. Everyone in the kitchen looked to Elena as he fork hit her plate. 

Caroline closed Elena's mouth and Elena gulped as she looked at all of them. She sat up straighter and picked up her fork, going back to eating. They heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 

Kol and Bonnie walked in the kitchen with smiles on their faces. Everyone but Elena smirked as Bonnie and Kol sat down at the table. "So how was your guys night?" Klaus asked. 

"It was great. How was yours Nik?" Kol answered, sitting next to Rebekah. Bonnie looked down sheepishly at the mention of their night as she sat Between Kol and Elena. 

Elijah entered the kitchen with Hayley right next to him. "Good Morning," He greeted everyone at the table. 

"Good morning," was quietly said by almost everyone. 

"You all already know Hayley." Hayley gave a small wave to everyone. 

"I remember you." Bonnie took a closer look to Hayley. "You were friends with Tyler, right?" 

"Yeah, you're the Bennett witch, he mentioned." Hayley pointed out. 

"Well, sit down and have some breakfast." Freya gave a tight smile and shared a look with Rebekah. 

Elijah sat down next to Freya and Hayley took the seat at the end next to him. Elena looked up from her plate and her eyes met Elijah's. She quickly looked back down, not wanting to get lost in his eyes. 

Bonnie turned to look at Elena, placing a hand on her knee under the table. She could feel the disappointment coming from Elena. There wasn't much she could do but offer a shoulder to cry on and some advice. Which they would talk about later in private, of course. 

Elena turned to Bonnie giving her a grateful look and then looked back to her plate. She felt sick to the stomach. "Excuse me." She scooted her chair out and walked out of the kitchen, quickly going to her room.

Everyone looked from her empty spot to each other and then to Caroline and Bonnie. Caroline and Bonnie shared a look and then looked back to everyone. "Not really a morning person." Caroline lied. 

"I totally get it. I'm the same way at times." Hayley said. 

Caroline nodded. Everyone knew that wasn't the real reason, everyone aside from Hayley. Elijah wasn't sure what the real reason was, Elena seemed to be a morning person when they trained. But whatever the reason, he would find out.


Elena sat against the headboard, silently thinking. She never felt this way about anyone, not ever Matt, Stefan, or Damon. This feeling was completely new. Sure she had felt jealous before but nothing like this. 

She felt angry not at Elijah or Hayley but at herself. She knew she shouldn't have started having feelings for Elijah. She had a feeling if she did if would end badly for her. But of course, her heart never listens to her head. 

She got off the bed and walked to the closet grabbing a book from the shelf in the closet. She walked back to the bed and opened the scrape book. Slowly touching each picture that held a memory. 

She flipped the page to a picture of Jenna, her mom, and herself. She wished that they were here. They could give her some advice about what to do, that's what they used to do anyways. Elena smiled at the memory of the photo. 

It had been a few weeks before sophomore year and Jenna was spending the summer with them. Elena and Jeremy were part of some serious prank wars. Jeremy had used a string and a bucket full of paint to hang above Elena's bedroom door. Jenna had opened the Elena's door and the paint fell on Jenna. 

Elena was dying of laughter, well Jeremy was apologizing. After that Miranda took a picture with Elena laughing in the background, Jenna shrugging her shoulder covered in paint, and Miranda smiling. 

That was a great day. Elena looked up at the door when it opened. Caroline and Bonnie stood there with snacks and sage. "Want to talk?" Caroline asked. 

Elena shut the book setting on the nightstand and scoot to the middle of the bed. Caroline jumped on the left side of the bed with a bag of snacks. Bonnie shut the door and used the sage to make sure no one with supernatural hearing could hear their conversation. 

Bonnie sat on the right side of the bed and grabbed the remote switching it on to Netflix. "What should we watch?" 

"What was that one show where the girl is in high school and get's pregnant by some guy she met at band camp?" Elena questions as she grabs a water bottle of blood and some chips. 

"Are you talking about The Secret Life of the American Teenager?" Bonnie was already typing it into the search bar. 

"Yes! Let's finish watching that, what season did we leave off on?" Caroline grabbed a chocolate bar.

"I think season 2." Elena answered. 

"Yep, season 2 episode 7." Bonnie pressed continuing watching. 

The girls grabbed some snacks and snuggled with each other as they watched one of their favorite shows.

To Be Continued...

I'm back!! Sorry it took me forever to update. I finally finished my other book and now I'm gonna focus on finishing this one. Please comment or vote if you enjoyed this chapter. 

I want to hear your thoughts on the story if you have any! If you ever have any questions about the story or anything please just ask and I'll do my best to answer. Have an amazing day or night wherever you may be!!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲Where stories live. Discover now