The Original Family|| 5

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It was later and Caroline was running around the house like a mad women, screaming at everyone, making sure everything was perfect for the ball.

Rebekah was finishing getting ready and grabbed a Jewelry box from her dresser. She grabbed some diamond earrings and looked in the mirror as she put them on. She did some finishing touches to her hair. She smiled in the mirror and walked towards her door.

Just as Stefan was about to knock Rebekah opened the door. He was speechless the red ball gown complemented her complexion and brought out the blue in her eyes. She ended up choosing a different color dress right before they left the store.

"Stefan, you look very dashing." She smiled.

"Thank you, Bekah. You look beautiful as always." Stefan smiled.

"Well thank you. Shall we?" Rebekah asked as she walked out of her room. Stefan held his arms out and she took it.

Bonnie finished her hair and makeup and grabbed the dress that was hanging off of the huge mirror in the corner of her room. She slid off her robe and was just in dark green lace panties and a strapless dark green bra. She unzipped the dress and slid it on he mostly bare body.

It hugged her curves in all the right places, it was tight and flared out just right above the knee. She zipped up the dress and slipped on black open toe strapy heels. 

Freya finished getting ready, all she had left to do was put on her heels. She went into her closet and grabbed a pair of black heels. She put them on as she walked out of the closet. She looked in the mirror and smoothed down the top half of her dress. She was in a black off the shoulder dress, with designs, it was glittery, and it flared out below the waist but above her hips. 

She sighed and walked out of her room. In a room down the hall Elena took off her black silk robe and was left in black lace panties and a black lace bra. She unzipped the dress and slid it on her body. It was similar to freya's with he designs but Elena's was a dark purple almost black dress. 

She couldn't find the zipper and turned around in the mirror and looked behind her trying to reach the zipper. "Ugh," Elena sighed frustrated. 

Elena used her vampire hearing to hear who was around to help her. She heard the door open next door which was Elijah's room. She quickly opened her door and pulled him in her room as he was walking by. She shut the door. 

Elijah looked up as Elena and was completely lost for words. She was beautiful in his eyes and the dress complemented her figure well. Elijah silently gulped and looked up at Elena with a smile. "Do you need anything, Elena?" He asked. 

"Um...Can you zip up my dress, please?" Elena asked as she moved infront of the mirror. 

"Of course." Elijah said as he walked stopping right behind her. He grabbed the zipper and slowly zipped up Elena dress. Elena looked at him through the mirror as he did her. She moved her hair back after he finished and turned to face him. 

"Thank you 'Lijah." Elena smiled.

"Your Welcome." He slightly smiled. Elena realized how close they actually were. "Let's get going." Elena said. 

"Yes, after you." Elijah said. 

As they were leaving the room, Caroline had finished her hair. She had approximently 4 minutes before the rest of the guest showed up. She had seen Kol, Rebekah, and Stefan downstairs already when the first 3 dozen of guest showed up. She put on her dress and quickly ran into her walk in closet looking for her dark blue open toe pumps. She found them in the corner and slipped them on. She grabbed some diamond earrings. She walked out of her room to be greeted by Klaus. 

"Hello love," Klaus smiled. He looked her up and down and smirked, "You look beautiful as always," 

"You don't look to bad yourself Mikaelson." She smiled as she took his arm and they walked towards the stairs. 

Bonnie had been downstairs talking with Freya for about 15 minutes now about random things. Freya walked away to dance with some guy and Bonnie walked over to the bar. "Champagne please," She said to the bartender. 

She looked around at people dancing and sitting at tables eating or drinking. She watched as more people entered the house and how some were also outside in the backyard doing the exact same thing. She drank some Champagne from the flute the bartender had just set down. 

"What's a beauty like you doing sitting here all alone?" A guy came up to her. He was a dark skinned man who Bonnie found attractive. 

"I don't have anyone to dance with." Bonnie said. 

"Well would you like to dance with me?" He held his hand out. She looked at his hand and then his face. She grabbed his hand and they walk towards the dance floor. "So what is your name?" Bonnie asked as she had a hand in his hand and the other on his shoulder. 

"I'm Marcel and you are?" He asked.

"I'm Bonnie," She ssaid. 

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." Marcel said smiling making Bonnie blush a bit. 

As they danced, Freya, Stefan, Rebekah, Elijah, and Elena were all eating at their table, and Klaus and Caroline had just entered the party joining them. Kol was glaring from afar at Marcel as he danced with Bonnie. 

He was going to ask her to dance but Marcel beat him to it. Kol slammed his glass on the counter at the bar. The bartender quickly filled his glass again. Kol slammed his bourbon and walked up to Davina, she had came with Marcel. "Davina, would you like to dance?" Kol asked. 

"Sure," Davina said as they walked on to the dance floor. 

Back at the table, Stefan and Rebekah got up to go dance, Freya left with the same guy to go dance again, which left Elena, Elijah, Caroline, and Klaus at the table. 

"Where's Bonnie? I haven't seen her all night." Caroline asked as she looked around. 

"She's dancing." Elena said as she spotted her. 

"With Kol?" Caroline asked getting her hopes up. She shipped Kol and Bonnie together. 

"Um...No. Kol's dancing with some brown haired girl." Elena said as she saw Kol glaring at the guy Bonnie was dancing with. 

"What?!" Caroline exclaimed. Caroline moved to sit in the seat next to Elena since it had a perfect view of everything. To say Caroline's was shocked would be an understatement. Kol was dancing with Davina and Bonnie was dancing with Marcel. Caroline was quiet for a moment, forming some kind of plan. 

To Be Continued...

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