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Trigger warning: This book has self-harm, drug use, overdose, and suicide included.

Lana Grey looked at herself in the mirror once she finished getting ready and forced a smile on her face. She practiced smiling a few times before sighing and opening one of her vanity drawers for a lip gloss.

As she rummaged through the drawer, her eyes landed on an orange bottle. She hesitantly took it and stared at them, contemplating for a moment before muttering a "fuck it" and popping open the top.

She took one of the Xanax pills and made her way over to her suitcase before taking out her makeup bag and placing the bottle in it.

Lana looked herself over one last time before making her way out of her bedroom. She walked into the elevator in her fancy house with her water-proof suitcase and pressed the button to the first floor.

She stepped out and into the kitchen where her Christian parents sat eating their breakfast and drinking coffee.

"You ready?" Kathleen, her mother asked her. Lana responded with a small head nod and smile.

"There's waffles for breakfast," David told his daughter, not meeting her eyes and continuing to read his Bible. "I'm not hungry, and I'd rather get to the plane early," Lana said not wanting to spend another moment with her parents.

David shared a look with his wife before Maria nodded her head standing up from her chair and in front of Lana. "Alright then. We'll see you soon. Um, behave yourself, and use this time to help with your healing and further repairing your relationship with Christ, Lana Kate," Kathleen ordered her daughter.

Lana gave her a tight-lipped smile. "Of course, Mama." "Shelby Goodkind is even going, remember? So you'll have a good influence with you. This id a great environment for you. Don't disappoint us when you come back.," Kathleen said before awkwardly embracing her daughter for a few seconds and letting her know that George, their chauffeur, is waiting out front.

"I won't. I promise when I come back I'll be the person God wants me to be." David gave his daughter an equally awkward hug as his wife did.

Elizabeth, Lana's 8 year old sister, walked into the room in a darling pink dress with a smile on her face. Lana crouched down to her before giving her a hug and exchanging "I love you's". Lana walked out of her large house and into the black car.

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