Day Two- Part Two

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Lana woke up and looked around, sitting up. Some girls were awake, some sleeping. The events of yesterday came rushing back, and she flopped back down onto the sand.

"People we're missing a person," Shelby announced after doing a head count. "Leah," Rachel realized as Leah walked up to them holding up a phone.

"It's Jeanette's."


"It was in her pocket. I heard it ringing. It didn't seem real, not that anything does anymore, so I followed the sound, and I um," Leah trailed off not knowing the words to say.

"So you frisked a dead body," Dot finished. "But then when I finally dug it out of her pocket. It died in my hands. The weirdest part is this is her second phone. The other one we lost in the water. This is an entirely different one. One that worked, and one that she chose nor to tell us about. Isn't that vaguely messed up. Not even vaguely. Deeply."

Fatin agreed that it was a sketchy phone after getting a closer look at it. "What exactly are we trying to say here?" Shelby questioned.

"I don't know," Fatin and Leah responded. Shelby said that the simplest explanation is she had two phones, and she forgot about it since she was literally dying.

Rachel spit on the grave, and everyone looked at her in shock and disgust. "Sorry. But like fuck her. She forgot. That could've been our only way out."

"Why didn't you wake us up?" Rachel realized. "I don't know." Rachel began to berate Leah for not waking them up, and Lana rolled her eyes at the girls antics. It's not like it would've made any difference, the phone died either way.

"You could've found it before it died, but you didn't did you!" Rachel yelled. "No," Leah said calmly while Lana had enough and exploded.

"Holy fuck, Rachel! Will you shut up?" Lana yelled making everyone turn their heads at her in shock.

"Yes, she messed up. There's no point in getting worked up about it. The phone is dead. So get over it, and move on," Lana spoke making Rachel walk off annoyed that someone stood up to her.

"She's just afraid. You did everything you could," Nora tried making Leah feel better. "No. She's right. I fucked up," Leah confessed.


Dot, Fatin, and Lana were taking inventory of Fatin's and Lana's things that they brought on the trip.

"Alright so you brought- what? Like 37 condoms and your birth control pills. Planned Parenthood poster child here," Dot pulled out Fatin's pregnancy prevention items.

"I do my best," Fatin winked. "Day 15. We better be out of here by day 21. I do not want to be on my period in this hell hole."

"Well, I have like 40 tampons with me, so," Lana spoke pulling out the box.

"Think anyone's got theirs now?" Dot questioned. "Your sister was acting like it before," Fatin said to Nora making the girl retaliate a "fuck you" surprising Lana.

"Jesus, I was joking," Fatin said. Shelby came over and picked up a coke, and Dot said how she was conducting an inventory and to not take anything.

"Relax, it's for Martha."

Leah and Rachel came over telling Shelby to come with them on a walk to a tall mountain since she's been out there before.

Toni was more than okay with her going.


"She could use a Vicodin or three right about now," Dot said to Fatin and Lana looking towards Martha and Toni.

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