Day One

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Despite skipping breakfast, Lana was still the last one on the private jet. As she stepped into the plane, the 9 other girls eyes landed on the beautiful blonde.

Lana sucked a breath in at the sudden attention before familiar arms wrapped around the girl. "Well if it ain't Miss Lana Kate looking beautiful as always," Shelby grinned happily before letting go of the girl.

"Hi Shelb. Same goes for you, stunner," she said exaggerating her accent and forcing a smile.

Everyone on the plane watched the exchange between the only two blondes. One certain girl watching Lana more intently than the rest.

Toni was definitely captivated by Lana's beauty and appearance despite her looking like a basic bitch straight out of a Brandy Melville catalog.

Lana sat down in the plane seat next to Shelby before her friends started to speak, proposing that they do an icebreaker.

She felt eyes on the back of her head only to turn around and notice it was Dot. She smiled slightly, and the short-haired brunette smiled back.

An enthusiastic Asian-American girl said they should play Never Have I Ever, but Shelby shut it down saying that that game was a little much. Lana zoned out which she seemed to be doing a lot these days. Dot was looking towards the girl trying to make out if she was under the influence or not.

Lana was good at hiding it, but Dot was even better at noticing if she was or not, and ultimately declared to herself that she wasn't fucked up, but she wasn't completely sober either.

Before Lana knew it, Shelby was grabbing her arm and moving her over to Toni and Rachel. Lana didn't really understand what was happening, but Shelby told her to just take a seat in the aisle for the three's icebreaker before she walked away from them.

Lana did what she was told as usual and sat down as the two girls on the sides of her watched her.

Rachel stared at the girl in admiration of her physique. Tall, lean, and toned. She could see her abs through her cropped tank top.

Toni stared at her in attraction. Usually basic, rich, blonde girls aren't her type, but who wouldn't find her attractive? There were no flaws on her.

Just as soon as Lana sat down, she had to get up because of the male flight attendant that was making his way down the aisle giving out chocolate cake.

Lana partially stepped into the space between Toni's legs and the seats in front of Toni to make room for the flight attendant. She awkwardly smiled at Toni before muttering an apology for the uncomfortably close contact.

She took a plate of cake and thanked the man with her southern charm. She sat back down in the aisle as she ate some cake.

"So. You play basketball?" Rachel questioned the brunette with cake straight up in her hand noticing her basketball shirt.

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