Day Twelve - Part One

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I am going in the same numbers of days as the show does for those who are wondering.

Lana walked down the hall with two guards on both sides of her. Her face was blank, lacking any emotion. She looked as if she were in a catatonic state.

She sat down in front of the two men without saying a word. "Miss Grey or may we call you Lana?" Agent Young spoke.

The girl continued to stare into the table without answering. The two men looked at each other before looking back at her.

Dr. Faber explained how they were doing the investigation, and everyone was getting interviewed, and that's why they can't see each other. The reports will be less muddled then.

"So why don't we get started? First off how have you been feeling?" Dr. Faber asked.
Lana continued to sit there, not answering or meeting their eyes. After a few seconds, she looked up mustering up a smile as best as she could and nodding her head to make it seem like she was okay.

"The nurses informed me of how you haven't been getting out of bed, and that you are turning away food. With your history of mental illness, I believe you're having a depressive episode," Dr. Faber spoke the obvious.

"On that island, I went without any antidepressants. I had them in my purse instead of my suitcase. Then, I had no Xanax or drugs in general, but I found a new drug," Lana finally spoke up. The two men's eyebrows furrowed wondering what drug she was referring to.

"Not an actual substance, but rather a person. People. I got attached to the girls, I guess," Lana corrected herself, not wanting them to ask about Toni and their relationship.
"Now, I have nothing except a room that I'm trapped in and am being forced to relive the worst moments of my life. Including the worst moments of that island."

Dr. Faber and Agent Young were silent for a moment, not knowing how to respond. Young couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl and having a part in her sadness.

"You're on your antidepressants again though, and soon you'll be back together with everyone, okay?" Dr. Faber explained. "I see episodes like this all the time," Lana tuned out of the conversation but heard a few things. He was basically explaining the best way to handle an episode.

"Are you having any suicidal thoughts?" He asked pulling her out of the abyss. She was. She would rather die than have to spend another second alone with her thoughts.

"No. It's not that severe," she lied, not fooling Dr. Faber or Agent Young with her body language. "Also, I do have moments where I'm not like completely depressed," she tried to subtly hint at her manic episodes.

"I was just about to speak on that. The nurses wrote in these charts how you have had moments of extreme emotional highs," Young looked at the file.

Lana nodded her head. "We might get you on new medication for bipolar disorder," Dr. Faber told her.

Lana nodded her head. "Well, this is an investigation, not a psych evaluation, so what do you want to know?"


The group was working together. Everyone had tasks and the rules were fair. For the first time, everyone was together. They were working together and getting shit done.

They were all entitled to one rest day, and Fatin painted rocks with her nail polish with everyone's names and what task they were on that day.

"It was brutal out there, so we all had a day to mellow with our thoughts. Everyone needed it except me and Leah. Ever since Jeanette's body went missing, everything felt off on that island," Lana explained. "It was worse for Leah than me. I was going through my own stuff, so although I was caught up in my own theories about Jeanette's body, I had my own shit to focus on and worry about. Leah was just left to her thoughts and her mind... spiraled."

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