Day Three - Part Two

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Lana saw all the girls gather together from having done different tasks that day. She started to make her way back to everyone.

Lana looked around the island as she walked, taking in the land. It truly was beautiful, and if it wasn't so difficult living there against her will, she would really enjoy it.

She isn't the most observing person and didn't notice everyone staring at her as she walked towards them.

"I mean that's just not fair," Leah spoke to the group who was watching the beautiful girl walk towards everyone.

The group agreed with her with head nods and hums. It was like a scene out of a movie where the main character or the hot villain walks in slow motion for their entrance.

"Stranded on an island, and she still manages to look like that," Dot said in wonder. Lana had finally turned her heads towards the group after having a new appreciation for the island.

"Hey y'all," Lana greeted everyone smiling and dried off with a towel before throwing on a crew neck and flared yoga pant leggings. She sat down in the circle in between Leah and Fatin. Her eyes looked towards a big orange box reading, "Recorder. Do not open."

"So, what do we do with it?" Martha asked and everyone looked towards Dot. "What are you looking at me for? I don't know dick about planes. Two days ago was the first time I'd ever even been in one."

"We should open it," Leah spoke. "But it says right on the thing-," Martha was cut off by Leah. "Martha, I know but if we were to get inside you might find the actual recording. Like the actual tape of what happened to us out there."

"Don't we kind of already know what happened?" Martha questioned. "Do we? Can somebody tell me the full account. From the turbulence to the moment you woke up here. Besides look at how big and loud the 'Do Not Open' is. Part of me feels like it's telling us to do the opposite, like it's being ironic," Leah stated.

"Fuck no. We're not opening it," Rachel countered. "Jesus. She's intense," Fatin whispered leaning into Lana and Leah. "Yeah you have no clue. She almost fucking killed me out there. Like a total psychopath," Leah responded making Lana and Fatin's eyes go wide.

Nora and Dot spoke about how the box is a beacon which could be beaming out their location. Shelby thought that they could assume the beacon is busted since they hadn't been found yet.

Rachel snapped and said, "Do Not Open! What part of that is unclear? What if we open it and break a completely functional beacon? That would wipe us off the grid entirely. Is that what you want? Cause if that's what you all want you're fucking damaged."

Dot looked inside the beacon. "There's a bulb inside, but it's out."

"Okay, so that means it's definitely broken, right?" Lana asked speaking up. "If someone suggests opening it one more time. I swear to God," Rachel said frustrated.

Lana rolled her eyes annoyed at the girl. "What do you think, Dorothy?" Fatin asked. There was silence before Shelby spoke up, "Okay, y'all. What we choose to do should jot be in the hands of one person. Okay, not that Dottie couldn't handle it; but we shouldn't put that much responsibility on her shoulders."

"Let's vote then. Majority rules," Lana proposed. "Alright, all those in favor raise your hands," Shelby spoke followed by hands raised by everyone except Rachel and Nora who wants to stay on her sisters good side.

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