Day Seven

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"Finally, you're awake." Lana woke up to Fatin standing over her. The blonde sat up from her spot, stretching.

"How's your leg?" Fatin shrugged, "It's fine, I guess." Lana nodded her head before taking her hair out of her ponytail and working her fingers through tangles, and then putting her hair back up.

It was moments like these where Lana was grateful to have mostly straight hair. The salt water was giving her beach waves, but if she had curly hair, she could never manage it.

Fatin watched the girl and Lana caught her staring. "What?"

"I'm gonna ask you something, and don't feel pressured to answer." Lana's eyebrows furrowed at Fatin's words before slowly nodding her head.

"Are you straight?" Lana's eyes widened at the question. "Not for me. I'm just wondering if you're gonna do anything about the sexual tension between you and Toni, or if you're gonna keep torturing that poor girl."

Lana laughed nervously while Fatin had a wide smile on her face, knowing that the girl was flustered.

"Actually, something already happened." The cellist's eyebrows raised up in surprise. "No fucking way."

"It was just a kiss, but it was in the woods yesterday. I don't know. I guess I just don't want to accept the fact that I'm not straight, because who knows what would happen if my parents ever found out," Lana confessed sadly.

"Fuck parents and what they think. They shouldn't get a say in what determines your happiness. I've seen the way that girl looks at you, and I don't think I've seen anyone more horny for some action. Well, other than this one time at a house party where a guy said he'd buy me a car if I slept with him, but he was like a big grease ball, and I have standards, so that didn't happen. Anyways, we're hundreds of miles away from home. Might as well use this time to experiment," Fatin smirked.

Lana chuckled at her story. "I do really like her. You're right. I'm gonna talk to her about it later." Fatin nodded her head, happy that she got through to the girl.

She stood up from the tree stump she was sitting on, making her way over to the blonde.

"I seriously don't know what I'd do on this island with you, Lana. I think you're the only thing keeping me somewhat sane," she pulled the cheerleader into a hug whose heart was warming at the words spoken to her.

"I don't know what I'd do without you either, Fatin. This is probably the fastest I've made a close friend that I actually like."

A few minutes later of them chilling in silence while Fatin did her hair, she watched as Lana scratched at her hands viciously.

"Dude, stop," Fatin grabbed her hands, holding them. "Sorry," Lana muttered, her leg shaking now, needing a way to release the anxiety.

Fatin noticed her nervous activity. "What's wrong? Why are you anxious?"

Lana sighed, "I'm kind of withdrawing." "Off of what?" Fatin questioned. She knew the girl had had a pill problem, but she never found out what was in them after the fiasco in the cave.

"Xanax. You know how it's used for anxiety too? I got used to taking them, and now I feel anxious whenever I don't have it. It's not as bad today as it's been the first few days though."

"Have you been throwing up? I couldn't even tell you were in withdrawals," Fatin worriedly asked.

"I'm good at hiding it. I've been throwing up, but I go into the woods, and no one hears. I hope not at least," Lana leaned her head back on a tree.

Fatin's face was one of pity. At this point, she'd count the girl as one of her best friends, and she didn't want to see her best friend in pain.

"I'm so sorry," Fatin held Lana's face in her hands.

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