Day Fifteen

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Lana frantically closed her suitcase, trying to save as much of her belongings as she could as the tides swallowed up the groups camp.

"Fuck! Fucking ocean took all my shit!" Fatin shouted trying to hold onto her suitcase. "Let it go. Come on," Dot grabbed her.

Luckily enough for all of them, Lana saved more than half of her things.

Lana and Leah sat together hours after the tidal surge. The sun had risen and the girls were doing their own things, mostly just sitting and walking around other than Shelby.

Fatin sat down next to the pair. "She looks tired," Leah pointed out referring to Shelby. "She should be. She's been working her ass off for the last three days trying to make up for her Westboro Baptist moment as if that'll get her uncanceled," Fatin felt no remorse for the Christian.

"Your obsession with Shelby is out of control. I mean I know you have your theories. Maybe she knows something, or maybe she's behind this or whatever, but you gotta ease up," Fatin advised Leah.

"Yeah, there's something sketchy about this island, but there's no way Shelby is behind it," Lana chimed in.

"No, yeah, I know. I've been so stupid. I was actually just thinking if Shelby was behind this that would mean she volunteered for this nightmare," Leah told them.

"Who the fuck would do that?" Fatin asked looking out into the ocean. "Exactly."

"That's it. Pull up stakes!" Dot yelled. Lana and Fatin dragged their suitcases and Leah dragged the emergency slide from the plane the group had used during the first thunderstorm to duck under.

"We're fucking moving," Dot announced. "Again?" Martha questioned slightly annoyed. "Take a real good look at this camp. It's not a refurb job. It is fucking totaled."

"But I thought you said the cave was a bust," Rachel spoke. "No, not the cave. We move to Gold Cliff a beach around the bend. Doesn't seem like the tide's bitch, so maybe this tsunami horseshit wont hit us again," Dot responded.

"It's not as windy there either," Toni added. "Yeah, which will come in handy, seeing as we no longer have a fucking fire."

"To keep us warm," Martha concluded the thought. "Shit. I hadn't thought of that," Toni realized. "Me neither," Lana muttered sitting down next to her. Toni took Lana's hand in hers, clasping them together making Lana smile.

"Who was on fire duty last night?" Toni announced. Dot gestured to Fatin. "Okay, technically, it was my turn, but Shelby practically begged me to sub her in, so Who was I to deprive her of that pleasure?" Fatin spoke about the girl who was no where to be seen.

"Look, I know that Shelby has been trying so hard to get back in our good graces, but some of you have been a little bit too quick to take advantage of that," Dot stated.

"Yeah, sorry not sorry," Toni responded. "Who cares she's a bigot?" Fatin added.

"I'm gonna ask a question, and it may not be helpful," Leah spoke up. "Okay, good. Yeah, definitely do that," Dot said sarcastically.

"Why did this catch us so off guard? I mean, haven't you been keeping track of the tide?" Leah asked Nora.

"What are you saying, Nora should've seen this coming?" Rachel stuck up for her sister. "No, Rachel, that's not what I'm saying if you listen to me at all."

"That's exactly what you're saying," Rachel didn't let it go. "What I'm saying is that-," Leah was interrupted by Martha who sat up and walked closer to them. "Why are we pointing fingers? It's not anybody's fault."

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