Chapter 1

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Two months after the Battle of Hogwarts, classes resumed, with the majority of the students and some faculty leaving Hogwarts because they couldn't handle the death of their friends and family or their parents didn't believe the school was safe anymore. Classes reduced to one class for each subject per year level. There has been a lot of tension between the students who fought with Voldemort, mostly Slytherin, and the other houses. Even Draco Malfoy has returned because, like most other Slytherins, he was just doing what he was forced to do. It wasn't his choice to become a death eater. All the death Eaters under the age of 18 were able to return to Hogwarts, however, they are on probation. Draco's parents got sent to Azkaban with the rest of the adult death eaters. Harry and Ginny finally got together, and they are making it work somehow. Ron and Hermoine got together, but after Fred's death Ron was a different person, and they decided they were best as friends. The teachers remaining at Hogwarts keep pairing up Slytherins and Gryffindors because of their mutual hate for each other, to try to break the tension between the two houses.

"Oh bloody hell, not another group project," Ron whispered under his breath as Slughorn announced the next potion they were going to make and they were going to do in pairs.

"Just hope you don't get paired with Pansy or Draco, I can't believe they got let back into Hogwarts," Seamus whispered back.

"Well you would probably blow them up with your luck," Harry joined in. Seamus shoved him.

"Quiet in the back. I am about to announce partners for our next project. You will be making Amortentia. Here are the partners: Harry Potter and Blaise Zabini, Ronald Weasley and Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas and Pansy Parkinson, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom, and Draco Malfoy and Hermoine Granger," Slughorn said once the class quieted down.

Draco zoned out for the majority of the class, jumped up when he heard he was paired with Hermoine Granger. "What?? I can't be paired with a filthy little mudblood like her!"

"And I wouldn't want to be paired with a Death Eater like you!" Hermoine shouted. With the class's shocked faces, she knew she went too far, "I am sorry Draco, I didn't mean that I meant you foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" Hermione smirked and then slumped back down in her seat.

"Silence you two! You will work together and that's the end of it. Because of your outburst, this project will now be worth 50% of your grade," Slughorn interrupted.

"Ugh look what you did Granger," Draco muttered, sinking down in his seat.

"I didn't do anything, you started it," Hermione shot back.

"Silence both of you! If you talk again both of you will be getting detention, together," Slughorn instructed. "Now let's begin, everyone go get your stations."


"No you are supposed to put the Ashwinder Eggs first, and they need to be frozen, not hard-boiled," Hermoine said in their attempt to make an Amortentia potion.

"No you have to do a handful of rose thorns, I should know, I have gotten 100% in potions for the past seven years," Draco replied arrogantly.

"And I have gotten 110%! You arrogant idiot," Hermoine said, starting to get mad again.

"That was one year, the rest of the years you got less than 100% so that makes me better than you mudblood, therefore I am right and we need to put in a handful of rose thorns first!"

"I cannot believe I am forced to work with you!" Hermoine said, pulling the Ashwinder Eggs off the shelf to put in the cauldron.

"No, don't do that!" Draco said, pulling the Ashwinder Eggs out of her hand, resulting in a tug of war.

"Let go Malfoy!" Hermoine said yanking back the jar, making her crash into the shelf behind her and Draco toppled on top of her. With the whole class staring, Draco and Hermione were covered in the ingredients on the shelf. Hermione shoved Draco off of her but both of them were still covered in ingredients.

"UGH, look what you did Granger!!" Draco shouted.

"What I did? This is all your fault! If only you'd listen to me," Hermoine replied as everything started to fade to black. "What is happening? Malfoy what did you...?"

"Hey Mudblood, this wasn't my fault. Ugh! I can't keep my eyes open." Draco said swaying, crashing on top of Hermione.

"Professor Slughorn! Hermione and Draco fainted. Help Professor!" Neville called out.

"Oh dear, what have those two gotten into now. Oh, they fainted. To the hospital with them now. Miss Parkinson and Mr. Zabini, can you carry Mr. Malfoy. Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter, you take Miss Granger with you," Mr. Slughorn instructed.

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