Chapter 4

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"I have an idea to sneak into Hogwarts!" Hermione said bursting into the cottage. "Oh, and there's no one here. Draco? Jane? Anyone home? Hello?" She thought she heard a floorboard creak around the corner so she went to investigate and found Draco and Jane gagged on Draco's bed. Baron Monwright standing over them with two guards behind him for protection, and her lady's maid Edwina cowering in a corner. "What is going on here? Father, why have you tied up these two people?"

"So this is how you have been spending your nights. With peasants. You think I haven't noticed you sneaking out of the Manor every night to go into the forest." the Baron said.

"That's correct, I think you haven't noticed, all you care about is marrying me off to the highest bidder," Hermione said, giving her father a second to absorb what she just said. "I think Edwina noticed, and the loyal person she is, she told you because she was worried about me. Not you, you don't care about me, you only care what connections I can get you. So if you please let these two people go. There is no reason for them to be tied up, they have done nothing wrong. If you want to punish me, fine, but they have done nothing wrong besides befriending someone above their station. Who knows, maybe they'll take over one day and own the Manor. This is my life and I should be allowed to live it," saying the last two sentences looking directly at Draco.

"Of course I care about you-" the Baron started to say.

"Really you care about me? Have you noticed that I have gone out every single night at sunset to come here? Have you noticed that I don't return for an hour or two? As long as I continue to entertain suitors that you chose for me and practice my instruments during the day, you don't care what I do. Since you are not going to untie these two people, then I will." Hermione said heading over to Draco and Jane to untie them.

"You will leave them alone. Yes, they have done something wrong. They are filling your head with nonsense. What's this Hogwarts you are talking about? And this man's name isn't Draco, it's John according to his work logs. Also, you have never talked back to me before, and if you know what's best for you, you would stop this instance," the Baron demanded.

Hermione stayed silent as her father was talking but she still untied Draco and Jane. "Jane, go to your room," Draco said once his gag was taken out of his mouth.

"But-" Jane pleaded.

"Now I said, we will speak about this later," Draco said in a more forceful tone of voice. Then, he went to stand next to Hermione, thinking she needed his support, even though they are no match for a Baron and two trained knights.

"I am sorry Father for making you come all the way out here. It was completely unnecessary. When I was feeling better after I was sick, I decided to take a walk and met this man. He was funny and kind and I am lonely in the Manor. He invited me for dinner that night, I rejected the offer but I still did visit, and that's when I met his wonderful little sister. I had the best time, I haven't had fun like that since Mother died. We created stories of far-off places, we called one of the places Hogwarts and we were figuring out how we would travel there. I was going to tell them that we would get flying broomsticks and fly there. I called John Draco because that's his middle name and his father's name was named Draco and he wanted something to remember his father by. It is a recent change since he recently lost his parents in one of the raids by the Roundheads. I will continue to come here, even if you forbid me. You don't have to worry about my protection, Draco here walks me to the edge of the forest every night for protection and watches until I get to the Manor. I have no friends here and it was nice to not be proper all the time," Hermione said.

"Oh, my dear I never knew you felt this way. I know it's been hard since your mother died. I just want you to be happy," the Baron said with his eyes watering.

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