Chapter 6

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Draco woke up throbbing. Once he was more awake, he noticed the cause. Hermione's nightgown was tangled up around her thighs. She had cuddles against his side and had thrown her right leg over his thighs sometime during the night. He tried to scoot off the bed but that proved to be difficult when he realized she was also holding his hand. Not really wanting to move, he moved her leg and pulled her close. She moaned then snuggled closer to his side. Five minutes later Jane comes barging in. "Come one, wake up guys! We are going to Hogwarts today! I am so excited!" Jane shrieked.

"I know, I think Hogwarts heard you. Can you cheer a bit quieter, Hermione is still sleeping," Draco said rubbing his temples. It was too early in the morning.

"No, she's awake now," Hermione grumbled, moving away from Draco to get dressed.

They packed up, ate breakfast, and headed out. It was an hour's ride on horse to London however, they only had a small cart but no horse. They took turns carrying the cart, with only having their luggage inside. It took three hours before they reached London, they found the meeting place that was written on the acceptance letter. When they arrived they saw many other families there. Once they found the carriage Jane was going to take, they packed away the luggage on top of the horseless carriage.

"Those are some creepy horses pulling the carriage," Jane remarked.

"Oh my. Harry was right, there are creatures pulling the carriage. I think Luna said you had to see someone die. After the Battle of Hogwarts, I can see them. Jane, why do you see them?" Hermione said, getting close to the Thestral.

"I saw my parents die, I was with my mother in the garden when the alarm sounded that we were being attacked. My mother ran off to find my father, and I followed because I was curious. I was hidden in the bushes when I saw them slaughtered. John was out in the market getting supplies, he missed the entire attack. Can you also see them Draco?" Jane explained petting the Thestral.

"Yeah, I can see them. I am staying away though, animals hate me," Draco said, stepping away from the Thestral.

"They hate you because you torment them, you idiot. Remember you were also a ferret? You do realize that ferrets are in the diet of a hippogriff."

"Wait, Draco was a ferret? How did that happen?" Jane interrupted.

"Well, I was kind've tormenting Harry and a professor spelled me, granted he was actually a death eater in disguise. Heh, not my proudest moment."

"Yeah, it was pretty funny. Okay, Jane now would be a good time to do the spells I taught you. There are plenty of people here so they won't know who did it, and we are far enough away that no one will notice. After you cast the spell we are going to be up with the luggage. If this is the last time we see you, it was really nice to meet you." Hermione said before pulling Jane into a hug. Draco not wanting to be left out joins the hug.

"I am really going to miss you guys. You have been a great honorary brother Draco, and you have been a great friend Hermione. Okay now let me cast the spell, I don't want to cry in front of all the first years." Jane said, pulling away. She took a deep breath and cast the Invisibility Charm on Draco and Hermione, then the Disillusionment Charm as an added to make sure they are really invisible. "Goodbye," Jane whispered as Draco and Hermione faded before her eyes.

Draco and Hermione climbed up with Jane's luggage on the roof of the carriage. Hermione pulled a blanket out of her bag because it would be a long trip and it could get cold. Pulling the blanket over them, Hermione whispered, "This is going to be a really long trip, we arrive early evening with the train, this might be long so get comfortable." She slipped her hand into Draco's, feeling the ring she got him for his birthday. "You're wearing the ring I got you."

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