Chapter 5

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*WARNING semi-mature chapter

The next two months flew by. Hermione got closer with the Baron and they had debates almost every week on whatever they found out about during the week. Draco was able to Jane to Diagon Alley to get all the supplies she needed for her first day at Hogwarts. Jane's wand is 10" long, made of hawthorn wood, and had a unicorn hair core, just like Draco's. Hermione has been teaching Jane different invisibility spells that she had used in her hunt for Horcruxes, without her wand so they don't get in trouble. Draco and Hermione still had their goodnight kisses every time Draco walked her home. They have managed to keep their relationship a secret from everyone, except maybe Jane. They believe that Jane knows about them, but Jane hasn't said anything.

Hermione snuck away in the middle of the night to spend the night at the cottage so they could leave in the morning. She left a note for her father telling him not to worry about her and she will be back soon, just in case something went wrong or Elizabeth comes back with no memory of the last two months. Jane also left a note for the same reason. She explained that she is at a school for witchcraft and wizardry, that she is perfectly safe and healthy, that she will explain more thoroughly when she returns for Christmas, and told him not to worry.

"You all packed for London?" Draco asked when Hermione arrived at the cottage.

"Yes, I have clothes to last me a couple of days. So, where will I be sleeping tonight?" Hermione asked, blushing.

"You are going to take my bed. I'll sleep on the floor next to the bed.

"No, I don't want you to give up your bed. We could... share... the bed if you want. Or I could sleep on the floor. I wouldn't want you to give up your bed," Hermione rambled.

"Hermione you're rambling again. We are both adults, I think, at least in the future we are but with the time change I got no idea. We can share a bed."

"But what if..." Hermione started

"No what if's, there is no need to go on a tangent," Draco interrupted.

"Well I am off to bed," Jane said, interrupting the two. "Don't do anything you shouldn't do. And before you ask, I know you two are together, it is kind've obvious. I called it from the beginning. Goooood Niiiiight."

"Ugh why does she have to be so observant all the time?" Draco pouted.

"Haha, you're cute when you have a pouty face," Hermione smiled.

"OMG! Hermione Granger called me cute! Haha I am cute," Draco squealed and danced around the room like a little boy who just got their favorite candy bar.

"Oh my god, it's like you've never been called cute before," Hermione said, laughing.

"Uhm I haven't been called cute before," Draco said, stopping his little dance and looking sheepish.

"Oh my poor baby," Hermione said, pulling Draco into his room.

"Oh now I am your baby, I am feeling special tonight," Draco said grabbing hold of Hermione and pulling her onto his bed cushioning the fall with his body.

"Well, look at that. Draco's got some moves." Hermione said, cuddling up to him.

"I am pretty sure you already knew that," Draco smirked.

"So, are we just going to stay like this, or are we going to get ready for bed?" Hermione said, her head resting on Draco's chest.

"I guess we should get ready, did you bring pajamas?" Draco said, not wanting to move.

"Uhm yeah, I brought the pajamas that I would wear at the Manor. It's a silk nightgown that makes me look like a nun. But it is extremely comfortable. Except there are no such things as undergarments so I'll probably just wear what I am wearing right now."

"Nope, there's a corner over there, go put on your nightgown."

"And what will you be doing while I am changing? And what will you be wearing?"

"I usually wear just a pair of pants, and I will be here on the bed. Go change."

"No looking."

"No promises."

"Dracoooooo," Hermione whined.

"Fine. I will close my eyes," Draco said, covering his eyes with his hands.

Hermione got a nightgown out of her bag. She went to the corner and turned around not trusting Draco not to look. She took off her shirt preparing to put on her nightgown.

"Nice backside," Draco smirked.

"Draco you said you wouldn't peak," Hermione blushed.

"It's just your back, nothing too inappropriate."

Hermione put on the nightgown, then took off her pants and put her clothes in her bag.

"Here I am dressed like a nun, and you are half-naked," Hermione said, turning back around.

Hermione was blushing like a school girl waiting for Draco to speak. However, Draco couldn't talk because he saw how transparent her gown was and he could see all her curves. "Uhm you look -ahem- great."

"Okay let's go to sleep, we have an early morning tomorrow," Hermione said crawling into bed.

"There's something I want to do first."


Draco cut her off with a kiss that took absolute possession. His tongue thrusting in and out to mate with hers. He grabbed her backside and pulled her closer. Then, he rolled her over so he was on top. Hermione squirmed underneath him and growled at the pleasure she was causing with her squirms. When he realized he wouldn't be able to hold back anymore, he pulled away, satisfied with what he saw. Passion clouded Hermione's eyes and her lips were swollen from his kisses. "Do you want to do this?"

Her passion cleared quickly. "Do what?"

"Go all the way."

"No. I want to do that when you are actually you, not someone from 1645. And I want me to be me. I hope that makes sense. I know we can see each other and that we are the same people but it's not the same. You know?"

"Yes I understand, we can wait. But we have to stop now or won't be able to wait."

"What? Oh, okay."

"Ms. Genius don't you know how a male body works, there's gotta be at least one book about us males."

"Yes there is, it just took me a second to comprehend."

"Okay let's go to sleep. You're right, we have an early morning."

"Goodnight," Hermione said, pulling away from Draco to the other side of the bed, with the most possible distance between them.

Draco was leaning on his side, looking at Hermione's backside for a second as she scooted away before grabbing her and dragging her up against him. She yelped then snuggled closer. "Stop moving your behind." Draco demanded, gritting his teeth. Hermione squirmed once more to torment him then stopped and fell asleep. 

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