Chapter 2

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"Where am I?" Hermoine asked, disoriented.

"Oh, Milady you are awake. I am glad to see you feeling better. Let me help you get dressed for the day," a servant announced coming into the drafty room.

"What? Where am I? Who are you?" Hermoine asked. The last thing she remembered was being in the middle of Potions class when Draco knocked over the shelf of ingredients on them then she passed out.

"Oh dear, did the fever addle your brain or something? I am your lady's maid, Edwina, you are in your father's manor." Edwina said hurting over to the bed to check her temperature.

"No, no I am perfectly fine, just a little disoriented. Uhh, do you know where the washroom is?"

"Washroom? Are you sure you are okay milady? You are making words up now. Do you mean the chamber pot?"

"Chamber pot? What year is it? Who am I?"

"It is the year of our lord 1645. You are the Honorable Elizabeth Monwright, Daughter of Baron Charles Monwright. This is the Monwright Manor. Are you positive you are feeling well, you should rest in bed for another day, I will let your father know you are unwell to entertain suitors today. I will get some tea for you." Edwina said, checking Hermoine's forehead again.

"Suitors? No suitors, and no tea, please. I believe that a walk in fresh air will clear my head. Will you please let my father know that I am unable to entertain suitors today? Also, if anyone asks please tell them I am resting in my room. Do you have any plain clothes I could use so no recognizes me as I go for my walk?"

"Sure, milady, I will be back at half-past eight"


"Bloody hell my head hurts. Where am I?" Draco asked bewildered.

"Oh, John you are awake! Are you feeling better? Perfect, you can head back to work today," a small blonde girl said coming into the light.

"Oi, who are you? Where am I?" Draco asked.

"I am Jane, your little sister, at least I was last time I checked," she said teasingly."Are you sure you are alright? You can stay home another day if you need." Jane asked, checking his temperature.

"I am Draco and last time I checked I didn't have a sister. Where is Slughorn? Where is Granger? Did you say my name is John? I do not know any John. Ugh, my head..."

"Oh dear, this isn't good. Okay well if you are not John. Draco you say? Well, I have never heard of you. Who is this Slughorn and Granger you mentioned? Hmmm, Why don't you explain your situation and we can think of something, and I can get my brother back? I am Jane, John's little sister, uhh I am ten years old. It is the year 1645. We have no parents, well not anymore, they died in one of the Roundhead raids. However, until you can return wherever you came from, you will have to work so you can survive long enough to actually get out of here. Did I miss anything?"

"I don't know. To answer your questions, Slughorn is my potions professor at the school I attend, called Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Granger is my partner who messed up and landed us in this mess so I have to assume she is around here somewhere. We need a plan to get me out of here." Draco sighed, "I will go to work until I have enough time to find Granger and get out of here. Okay, yeah, that will work. What am I supposed to do for work, what is my job, and how do I do it. Also, what do you do when your brother is at work?"

"I do the chores around the house. I clean, tend the garden so we have food to sell at the market on Sunday. You work on building the wall around the Monwright Manor. It got knocked down in the last Roundhead attack due to the Civil War that is raging on. It is a simple job, you just carry the rocks to the wall, hopefully, you are strong enough to do that."

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