Chapter 7

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After finishing the food, they go to work on the potion. "When I was thinking of what I wanted. I asked for the ingredients specifically to get us back. So I believe that all we need to do is measure out all the ingredients here and mix them. Then I believe we should pour the potion on ourselves, instead of drinking it because that's how we got here," Hermione said looking over the ingredients.

    After looking at the books and trying different combinations, they finally made the potion to get them home. "You go first Draco, if it works I should be right behind you," Hermione said get a cup to pour the potion of Draco.

    "See you on the other side," Draco said before pulling Hermione in for a kiss.

    "I will see you soon," Hermione smiled, then poured the potion on him. She watched as he fainted to the floor. "Oh, I hope that means it works," Hermione whispered to herself before pouring the potion on herself.


    Draco woke up in the hospital wing at Hogwarts with Pansy and Blaise staring down at him. "Draco, you're awake," Pansy said once she noticed Draco opened his eyes.

    "Pansy? Blaise? It's actually you. She did it, oh my God Hermione did it! We made it back. We actually made it back! Has Hermione woken up? Where is she?" Draco said jumping out of the bed to run over to Hermione's bed on the other side of the wing. Harry, Ron, Neville tried to block him but he pushed through and rushed to Hermione's side. Harry and Ron tried to pull him away but he wouldn't budge. "Come on, wake up, wake up for me. Come on, the potion worked. You did it, now wake up for me. You got us in this mess in the first place and you brought us back. Please come back."

    Hermione opened her eyes to find Draco on the floor next to her bed about to burst into tears, Ron and Harry trying to pull him away. "Excuse me? You got us into this mess," Hermione said smiling.

    "Oh my god! You're awake!" Draco said crashing on top of her in a bear hug.

    "Let me breathe."

    "Sorry," Draco said, rolling to the side then cuddling up to Hermione.

    "Bloody hell, what happened to you two?" Ron asked, sharing the same confused expression as everyone else in the Hospital Wing.

    "How long were we out?" Hermione asked, snuggling closer to Draco.

    "About fifteen-twenty minutes. Why are you two all lovey-dovey now?" Luna said looking at the clock.

    "Well from our point of view it's been two months. In the year 1645."

    Everyone was shocked, they have never heard of a time-traveling potion that could go that far back or last that long. Hermione and Draco explained what happened, leaving out why they got closer, and how they got back.

    "That is one crazy story that still doesn't explain how you got close all of a sudden," Neville pointed out.

    "Well for us it wasn't sudden, it was two months. And Draco is actually a good person when he's not acting like a prick," Hermione said smiling at Draco.

    "And Hermione isn't ALWAYS an arrogant know-it-all," Draco smiled back.

    "Hey!" Hermione said punching Draco in the arm.

    "Yo, what did I say about punching me," Draco said, rubbing his arm.

    "All I said was that I wasn't going to punch you in the face again. Arms are allowed," Hermione said putting her hand on top of Draco's.

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