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Months later, on the day they were sent to the past. Draco and Hermione had a medieval-themed wedding at the Malfoy Manor, which was much more colorful and full of life since Hermione moved in. Hermione was able to find a ring for Draco identical to the one she got him in 1645. Everyone eventually got over Draco and Hermione getting together, and like Romeo and Juliet, without the death, of course, their relationship brought the Gryffindors and Slytherins closer together than ever before. It took their relationship to realize that the feud between the two houses was much more harmful than good or beneficial.

During the reception, Hermione found Draco talking to Harry. "I need to steal you away for a bit, sorry Harry. This way," Hermione instructed, pulling Draco's arm.

"Perfect!" he said as they walked into their chamber. "A break from the madness."

Hermione giggled, putting her head on his shoulder. He brought the two of them over the couch in their room.

"Champagne?" he offered, bringing over his glass.

"No thanks." Hermione took a steadying breath. "Listen, I know we have a full night ahead of us but I wanted to give you a wedding present."

"Oh, darling, you didn't need to get me anything. Every day with you is a gift." He leaned in and kissed her.

"Well I hadn't planned on getting you a gift, but then something presented itself, so here we are."

"All right then," he said, placing his glass on the ground. "I'm ready, where is it?"

"That's the only problem," she started. Hermione felt her hands begin to shake. "It won't actually arrive for another seven or eight months."

He smiled but squinted. "Eight months? What in the world could take..."

As his words drifted away, so did his eyes, leaving her face and making their way to her stomach. He stared on and on, frozen to a point that it started to worry Hermione.

"Draco?" Hermione reached out and touched his leg. "Draco, are you alright?"

He nodded, still watching her stomach. His eyes filled with tears. "Isn't that remarkable? I suddenly love you a hundred times more," he said, quietly and in awe. "And I didn't think it was possible to find love for a person I don't know at all." He finally looked up at Hermione. "We're going to have a baby?"

"Yes," Hermione responded, tearing up as well.

His eyes lit up. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's too soon to tell," Hermione said through happy tears. "There's not much the doctor can tell yet except that someone is definitely there."

And the doctor was right, someone was definitely there. Eight months later Hermione gave birth to a beautiful girl, named Jane Narcissa Malfoy, who would later become a Ravenclaw, like the intelligent lady she was named after. 


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