New Beginnings

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We set our sights on the headmaster's office as Ozpin stares out the tower window admiring the kingdom he watches over when his desk lights up saying he has a visitor.

Ozpin: "Come in."

The elevator door opens to reveal Y/n L/n walk out and approach the headmaster's desk.

Ozpin: "We both knew this was going to happen."

Y/n: "With the stunt, I pulled. Yes, we need to talk about this."

Ozpin: "Yes. even though you could have killed someone that day but I do have an understanding about how your semblance works and how unstable it is but there will need to be some restrictions."

Y/n: "Okay then what would they be."

Ozpin: "Due to the accident at the docks you will not be allowed to leave the school unmonitored."

Y/n: "Makes sense. What else?"

Ozpin: "That is all. The information I have gained from your father was enough to make your restrictions reasonable."

Y/n: "That's it? Considering what I did I thought it would have been a lot worse."

Ozpin: "But if it happens again there is a nice warm prison cell in Atlas waiting for you."

Y/n: "Yeah that was about what I expected."

Y/n then gets up and begins to leave the office when Ozpin stops him in his tracks.

Ozpin: "Have you been hearing any voices in your head recently."

Y/n: "Yes but it's just my semblance twisting thoughts into lies."

With that Y/n leaves the office and heads to the cafeteria to meet with the others. He then heads to his dorm changes into his school uniform. He then looks in the mirror and takes off the jacket and instead wears the uniform vest over the white button-up then meets with the others. Then runs into ruby carrying a giant binder labeled "Best Day Ever!!!!"

Y/n: "Need a hand little Red?"

Ruby: "Please!"

The two of them then walk towards the table where Y/n then slams the book down onto the table surprising them all.

Ruby: "Thank you Y/n. *clears throat* Sisters! Friends! Weiss."

Weiss yells at her annoyed while the others watch or silently chuckle.

Ruby: "Four scores and seven minutes ago I had a dream."

Y/n: "This is gonna be interesting."

Y/n said as he sat in between Weiss and Blake.

Ruby: "A dream that all of us would come together as a team and have the most fun anyone has ever had EVER!!"

Weiss: "Did you steal my binder!?"

Ruby: "I am not a crook."

Y/n: "I am."

Blake and Weiss then elbow him in the gut for saying that about himself.

Y/n: "It's a joke and I talked with Ozpin about what's gonna happen."

Blake: "And Ruby what are you even talking about."

Ruby: "I'm talking about kicking this semester off with a bang!"

Yang: "I always kick my semesters off with a Yang!"

An apple is then thrown at yang and it bounces off her forehead and Nora's booing can be heard in the distance.

Ruby: "Come on guys With more transfer students coming and the tournament at the end of the year this semester is going to be great but classes start back up tomorrow so I have scheduled a series of wonderful events.

Y/n: "Considering how heavy the binder is, I'm scared of what you have in store for us."

Blake: "I don't know I might sit this one out."

Y/n: "Considering the hell you all went through because of me I think it is a great idea, also pie."

All of them: "What?"

Y/n then lifts a tray in front of Weiss just as a pie comes flying through the air and he then puts the tray down in front of him.

Y/n: "Well you can't let good pie go to waste."

Y/n grabs a handful and throws it at Nora causing her to look at Y/n with a surprised look he then gives her a come at me gesture and all she did was crack her knuckles. Many students then start stampeding out the door past Sun and Neptune, the latter who is looking quite worried. Sun then spots Y/n down for the count pinned under Nora's makeshift hammer and Sarah and Caitlin hiding behind a table, the fight between Teams RWBY and JNPR continues as pop cans and food fly through the air. Then leading to an end with Weiss getting knocked through a pillar and Yang getting thrown through the ceiling then finally ending with team JNPR being slammed against a cracked wall painted with pop and food. Then team JNPR sliding off the wall leaving outlines behind.

Sun: "I love these guys."

The camera then shows Neptune drenched in pop and isn't too happy about it. The doors behind them open and walks in a pissed-off Glynda who uses her telekinesis to re-organize the room.

Glynda: "Children, please. *Pushes glasses up* Do not play with your food!"

Nora then Burps aloud which is followed up by a louder burp from Y/n As both Teams RWBY and JNPR try but fail to compose themselves. A screaming Yang then crashes through the ceiling and crashes into one of the tables. Glynda scoffs annoyed as Ozpin approaches her while also enjoying seeing Y/n bring out his more childish side when around his friends.

Ozpin: "Let it go."

Glynda: *sigh* "There supposed to be the defenders of the world."

Ozpin: "And they will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part."

The 11 of them all laugh with each other and then suddenly hear a surprised gasp and look to see Y/n picking up Blake and twirling her around

Y/n: "And you said you wanted to sit this one out, come on admit it you had fun?"

Blake just looks away with a faint blush on her face because of her embarrassment.

Y/n: "You're not denying it!"

All of them cheer and laugh as they succeeded at throwing this second semester off with a bang.

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