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Y/n is sitting in Professor Goodwitch's class seemingly watching the class but trying to decipher more data using a device projecting a hologram in front of him displaying White Fang bases, shipping routes, and possible armories all around and outside of Vale. it only being visible to him giving him no worry of getting caught while he scrolls through the data while Pyrrha mops the floor with Team CRDL. He is then brought back to the class when Goodwitch speaks.

Glynda: "And that's the match."

Cardin: *groans* "Lucky shot."

Y/n silently chuckles as Cardin falls to the floor in pain knowing he deserves it and as he looks around a bit to see what happened he finds Blake leaning against his shoulder reading a book in her lap. It brought him a sense of happiness that she wasn't afraid of him like everyone else.

Glynda: "Alright, now I know that is a tough act to follow but we have just enough time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers?"

The class is silent as Glynda then speaks up to her chosen students.

Glynda: "Ms. Belladonna?"

Blake then closes her book as she looks surprised that she was picked.

Glynda: "You have been rather docile for the past few classes. As well as you Mr. L/n considering how much trouble you seem to get into."

Y/n simply rolls his eyes at her comment.

Glynda: "Why don't you two-

Boy: "I'll do it."

They all turn around to see Mercury volunteering to spar.

Glynda: "Mercury is it? Very well let's find you a sparring partner."

Mercury: "Actually, I wanna fight... her"

He then points at Pyrrha surprising everyone.

Pyrrha: "Me?"

Glynda: "I am afraid Ms. Nikos has just finished a match, I recommend you choose another partner."

Pyrrha: "No! it's fine... I'd be happy to oblige."

They both entered the arena and Y/n whispered to the girls.

Y/n: "This guy is about to get his ass whooped."

Yang nods her head while Ruby tries to stifle a giggle while Blake rests her head on Y/n's shoulder and goes back to her book. The battle then begins as Y/n begins to watch when he suddenly realizes something interesting. As Mercury went for the first strike with a swift kick that Pyrrha blocked with her shield leaving him wide open, he did a few other things similar to if he was testing her in a way that hit Y/n like a punch to the face.

Y/n: He's not trying to win, he's trying to learn how she fights."

Pyrrha then rushes him with her shield and he jumps and blasts off of it and does a superhero landing a few feet away. Pyrrha then runs at him ready to strike when something surprising happens.

Mercury: "I forfeit."

Pyrrha then comes to a stumbling stop as she comprehends what happened.

Pyrrha: "You, don't even want to try?"

Mercury: "What's the point? You're a world-renowned fighter, we're obviously leagues apart."

Pyrrha then places a hand on her hip looking disappointed as Glynda calls the match.

Glynda: "In that case, Pyrrha Nikos is the winner of the match, again. Next time you should think a little harder before choosing an opponent."

The bell then rings waking Blake up and causing Y/n to look at her a little concerned.

Male Reader x Blake Belladonna (Vol 2) Redemption(Under Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now