Caught in the Crossfire

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Thunder, that was all that could be heard as a figure found himself on a large island out in the middle of the sea wandering through the storm that ravaged this land. What felt like years seemed to disappear from him as what seemed like an eternal tempest raged harder causing the wanderer's cloak to fly off him revealing Y/n. He is now being battered by the storm as lightning arc's down from the sky ready to strike him but as he shields his eyes from the light he feels no jolt, no pain, and as he opens his eyes he finds the bolts frozen mere inches from him. He then reaches out to one and watches dumbfounded as if like a magnet as it repels against his hand moving away he pushes forward as the lightning desperately tries to get away from him, he then finds himself in a beast's den looking back to find nothing but a dense snowy forest. He attempts to leave but then hears his own voice echo through the cave.

Cavern's Echo: "Have you proven yourself!?"

Y/n attempts to speak but finds he can't as the echo continues.

Cavern's Echo: "Now is not the time, come."

The voice shows its face leaving Y/n shocked as he finds what looks like a bipedal moth-like creature wrapped in its wings, it's hand then comes from under the wing and motions for him to follow. Y/n doesn't move an inch but is then pushed by a large fox as he then starts moving, his mind still buzzing with questions but the creature seems to already know.

Moth creature: "Your questions will be answered in time, now come along young pup we should not keep them waiting."

As the three keep walking they come to a large stone door the moth motions for him to step forward, as Y/n approaches the door crumbles exposing a large room then as he steps through the door rebuilds itself and Y/n finds himself in an empty room with nothing but a large statue of a wolf.


Crumbling is then heard as the statue cracks and energy flows through it as it springs to life and then begins to circle him as if judging him.

Statue: "Young but you will learn."

Y/n: "What do you..."

The Wolf then dawns a defensive stance and growls, before Y/n could do anything the beast howled and a shockwave erupted from its body and struck Y/n. He then wakes from his dream to find himself in pain all over as if what had happened was real. As he stirs and attempts to get up he feels a sudden weight on his chest and finds new lover Blake Belladonna asleep on his chest wearing her pajamas, he dawns a soft smile as he gently pets her ears causing them to twitch making her stir. As she gets up he finds her now straddling him, yawning and rubbing her eyes, As she stops she places her hands on his chest, and then both of them waiting for the other to say something.

Y/n: "Comfortable?"

Blake: "Yes, I am."

Y/n then sits up and asks Blake a rather corny question.

Y/n: "Last night's events are a little hazy. Could you perhaps fill me in on what happened?"

Blake then leans and locks her lips with his while somehow managing to pin him down on the bed he then gives her a smug answer after they separate.

Y/n: "Right, I guess I did get lucky. But since we both still have clothes on, I didn't get that lucky."

Blake: *giggles* "I guess you could say that."

Blake then gets up and stretches then walks over to the duffle bag sitting on the other bed.

Blake: "I should be heading back to my dorm, the girls might start thinking you did get that lucky if I stay for too long."

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