The Beast

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Y/n could still be seen shackled to the ceiling after receiving multiple beatings from Roman and one of the white fang lieutenants, he is then thrown to the floor as the barrel of Romans can is then placed on the side of his head.

Roman: "As much fun as it would be to stay and have my fun, I'm afraid I have to end this here for now. But don't worry I have plenty more ideas for later and the rest of them will get their turns."

Roman then begins to walk towards the door but stops when something catches his eye as he grabs it and walks back to Y/n holding a red hot branding iron in the shape of two large slash marks, Y/n feels the heat from the brand as it is waved around in front of him.

Roman: "Ene, Mene, Miny, Mo. Oh, sorry buddy it's just not your lucky day, hold him still boys."

The goons then grab him and hold him down as Roman raises the brand into the air as the scene shifts to Team RWBY setting up camp as Y/n's screams are heard faintly in the background but unheard by them. Blake stares aimlessly out the hole in the broken wall, her mind cluttered with questions and needing answers but then Dr. Oobleck zips into the room followed by Ruby.

Oobleck: "A wonderful a textbook campfire."

Ruby: *gasp* "Fire! Sssooo... warm...'

Oobleck: "Very good, now eat your dinners and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we'll need you to take turns keeping watch over our temporary abode, any volunteers for first watch?"

Ruby: "Yo."

With Ruby's confirmation oobleck zips off to somewhere else in the building, she then got to her feet and made her way to her post.

Yang: "Ruby, I know this mission is important but did you really need to give off that military vibe with the outfit."

Ruby: *sigh* "This mission was too important to have any slip-ups, so I figured going with a tactical look would be the best idea."

Ruby then takes a seat next to Blake as she digs through the backpack next to her looking for something

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Ruby then takes a seat next to Blake as she digs through the backpack next to her looking for something.

Ruby: "Blake I know you miss him but I think he would have liked you to hold onto this."

Ruby then pulls out a red helmet and hands it to Blake. Her eyes widen when she realizes what it is.

Blake: "Is this..."

Ruby: "Sarah found it in his dorm after his scroll signal went dead so she is here looking for him as well, and we will find him I promise you. Now go eat and get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow."

Ruby then hops up onto the broken floor above them as she watches the others sit around the fire with the food. Zwei then barks as she lifts him to join her as she pets him, she then pulls out her sniper to keep watch as she aims at a Beowolf out on the hunt she then pulls out a suppressor and screws it to the sniper's barrel then aims only to find an alpha in its place, she readies her trigger but eventually decides to not fire as the creature releases a bone-chilling howl as the scene returns to Y/n squirming and almost howling himself like he was trying to get the Grimms attention but ultimately failing then seeing him strapped to a medical bed wrapped heavily in bandages as the same women from before standing next to him.

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