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Sorry for the long wait but it is finally done had no motivation but now I'm back as always hope you enjoy

Back at camp, Yang returns from her watch, stretching and yawning as she walks over to Weiss's sleeping bag.

Yang: "Hey Weiss, it's your..."

She then pauses, her eyes widened as she notices the empty sleeping bag where Ruby had been laying.

Yang: "Ruby!?"

Yang rushes over to the sleeping bag and opens it hoping to find her but only finds a scroll with the message on it reading, "I'm in trouble, come and find me."

Yang: "Guy's, wake up! Ruby's gone!"

Oobleck appears in the doorway as Blake and Weiss are still confused over Yang's frantic screaming.

Oobleck: "What?"

Zwei then bolts into the room barking and running in circles.

Yang: "Zwei? Easy boy, what's wrong."

Zwei then runs out of the room, barking like mad.

Blake: *Yawning* "I think he wants us to follow him."

Oobleck: "Grab your weapons! Your leader may be in trouble."

Sarah is then seen still being dragged by the two grunts as Roman stops in front of one of the open train cargo doors.

Roman: "Hey Foxtrot! We brought you a little something."

Alex: "Roman, I haven't had the best day so what could it possibly be that could be useful to me.

Roman: "It's the canary girl you keep talking about."

Alex then walks out and leans against the cargo door frame wearing a bloody apron holding a blood-stained crowbar.

Alex: "Well this just got a little more interesting."

Zwei then led them all to a hole in the center of the road, the ground shifting slightly as they moved towards it. Yang then spots Crescent Rose still dug into the ground.

Yang: "Ruby's scythe!"

Blake: "Oh no."

Blake then slowly walks toward the mouth of the hole peering in to try and see anything.

Weiss: "Do you think she was looking for Sarah or clues when she fell?"

Oobleck: "Oh my. Of course! Of course, OF COURSE, OF COURSE!"

Blake: "What is it?"

Oobleck: "How could I be so stupid?!

Yang: "Dr. Oobleck, what's wrong?"

He then begins to zip around the group while explaining what he had found out.

Oobleck: "Mountain Glenn! Yes, an expansion of Vale that was inevitably destroyed by creatures of Grimm! Previously home to thousands of people! Working people commuting to the city, the main city! Developed a subway system to the inner city! Grimm attacks increased! Population in danger, now desperately searching for shelter! City evacuates into the metro tunnels and what do you find? The southeast quadrant of Vale is known for its forests and deep caves!"

Yang: "Doc, English please."

Yang and the others begin to climb and make their way down the hole into the underground city.

Oobleck: "My dear we're not looking for an underground crime network, we're looking for an UNDERGROUND crime network."

Blake: "So they have been working in the caves?"

Male Reader x Blake Belladonna (Vol 2) Redemption(Under Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now