A Formal Approach

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Ruby is seen with her head resting on her hand while staring off into the distance. Her face dawning a mix of sadness and boredom, Y/n is seen helping Weiss pick out a tablecloth color then running out to help Yang bring in some of the heavier equipment. She lets out a yawn when she is then startled by a pair of hands that slammed onto the table. A very happy-looking Weiss was standing in front of her.

Weiss: "Y/n gave me his opinion now I need you to choose a tablecloth!"

Ruby looked down to find the two squares that Weiss slid in front of her. Ruby looked down confused as they both appeared to be the same shade of white.

Ruby: "Aren't they both the same?"

Weiss frowns then lets out a frustrated sigh.

Weiss: "I don't even know why I asked you."

Weiss then walks away from ruby as Y/n walks over carrying a couple of speakers and setting them down as Yang walks up carrying a speaker about her height on her shoulder and then slams it on the ground causing Y/n, the table, and Ruby to bounce.

Y/n: "One broken speaker."

Yang just glares at him before talking to her sister.

Yang: "So you pick out a dress yet?"

Ruby: "I've got the clothes, but who cares if Blake isn't going?"

Yang: "So are you saying you have a thing for the kitty cat?"

Ruby then springs up and looks at Yang with a faint blush.

Ruby: "That is not what I am trying to say! I'm just worried about her."

Y/n: "Remember Yang already has a plan for getting Blake to the dance. But the real question is will it work?"

Yang: "Don't worry you two I'll get her to come to the dance so you both can have a dance with her."

Yang then looks across the room and then yells to Weiss.

Yang: "Weiss, I thought we said no doilies!"

Weiss: "If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!"

They all then look towards the sound of a door opening to see Sun and Neptune walk towards them.

Neptune: "Your dance is gonna have fog machines?"

Weiss: "We were thinking about it...

Neptune: "That's pretty cool."

Y/n silently chuckles at how Weiss is reacting around Neptune when Sun speaks up.

Sun: "So you ladies all excited for dress up?

Ruby: "Pfft... Yeah right."

Yang: "Laugh all you want. I will be turning heads tomorrow night."

Weiss: "What are you two wearing?"

Sun: "Uuhhh... this?"

Y/n: "That isn't gonna go well."

As Sun gestures to his shirtless self, Neptune then puts his hand in front of Sun's face.

Neptune: "Ignore him for he knows not what he says."

Sun: "Hey I may have moved to Mistral but I'm Vacuo breed and blood, and you know it's not a shirt and tie kind of place."

All of them: "Yeah we noticed."

All of them almost perfectly mirror the same expression for being told something extremely obvious.

Male Reader x Blake Belladonna (Vol 2) Redemption(Under Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now