Shes amazing

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Omg did that just happen did Adrien just try to kiss me!!! I don't know how to react or what to think I've liked him for so long and he was making a move on me?!!!! I don't know why I pulled away. I don't know why Adrien tried to kiss me does he actually like me or was he just bored? Isn't he with Kugami? Maybe there was just something in my hair and he was trying to get it out. I don't know but ik I have to find alya. I ran outside and saw Alya and Nino I was panting I put my arm around both of them leading them to go.
"Hold up girl what's the rush"
"Hehehe I'm uh- eager to go to the zoo- yeah"
"Your acting so weird"
"Me weird noooo cmon let's go"
We left to the zoo and I decided to keep what happened with Adrien to myself. By I couldn't stop thinking about him the way his green eyes drew deep into my soul and was demanding to be let in even tho my gates always down when he's around.
"Marinette u seem off today" nino said as they where looking at the lions
"I'm completely fine" I decided to not think about Adrien and focus on my friends.
We hung out at the zoo and saw the polar bears. It was nice to hang out with friends and relax.
After a long day I was finally home. Lying on my bed once again.
I looked up at the sky from my bed and closed my eyes. I turned over to the side and there was catnior laying on my bed with his hands behind his head
"Hey per-encess"
"Hmm I don't remember inviting a little egotistical kitty with horrible puns over"
I rested on my side faceing him. He turned around facing me
"Superheros don't need invitations"
"Whatever" I said in a sleepy voice. I was so tired I just fell asleep.
she fell asleep right infront of me. I looked at her beautiful dark blue hair that was a little bit messed up and her soft skin, she slept so perfectly. I crested her check as she slept. I got closer and but my arms around her and put the blanket on us. I panicked when I felt her arms wrap around me then relaxed. This was Marinette. The same Marinette that I talked to about relationship advice, the same Marinette that I've called a friend for so long, the same Marinette that pulled away from me today, the same Marinette that doesn't like me as anything more than a friend. With that I fell asleep in her arms. She's amazing.

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