Put your hand on mine

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I woke up to plagg pulling on my hair while I was wrapped in MARINETTES arms.  I realized I had transformed back and was Adrien. I soaked up the fact that Marinette was snuggling with me, Adrien, but I quickly changed back so she wouldn't notice"plagg claws out" I whispered. I looked down at Marinette and kissed her forehead and with disappointment left her house to get home before his dad finds out he was gone the whole night.
"Plagg claws in"
I was back to Adrien. I looked in the mirror and saw a boy. A boy who got everything since he was a kid, the boy who was stuck in his room, the boy who was useless, the boy who wasn't good enough for Mari, the boy who was insecure, the boy who was just a boy. I cried as I saw myself in the mirror I hated how I looked but it wouldn't have changed anything I'm not good enough.plagg comforted me.
"You are enough isn't that what you told Mari"
"But it's true for mari she's perfect"
"Adrien nobody's perfect stop thinking you have to be"
"Whatever I got to go"
I really didn't want to go to schools, and face Mari, no way but I went anyway, I didn't want to be more of a disappointment to my father. I got ready knowing even if I was good she still wouldn't want me. 


when I got to my class I took at my notebook and  scribbled and then I heard Nina's voice and looked up to see Adrian next to him they were talking about something until he fixed his eyes on me we stared at each other for a second before he looked down in disappointment.  He sat down.  I could see him from the row above he had his pencil in his mouth and his hair was extra poofy.  I stared at him until I felt a nudge in my purse from tiki reminding me to focus on class.  I rolled my eyes and focused on the lecture until class ended when I zoomed out of there avoiding yesterday's events.  I had to talk to him but I had to be mentally prepared. 

I saw her Rush out of the class avoiding me I felt bad that I might of made her uncomfortable.  I went to my locker to get my textbook for the next class when I felt a pull on my shoulder. It was Mari.  I panicked I didn't know what she was going to say or if she was going to say anything or if she didn't want to be my friend anymore but didn't let any of that  show, just simply said hi.
"Hey Adrien cccan we ttalk"
She stuttered a bit I think she was nervous
"Yeah ofc"
"Well I- we- when yo-yesterda-I"
I was confused on what she was trying to say because she had a hard time getting it out I didn't expect what came next.  She put my hands on her waist as I looked up at her with Confusion. Then she kissed me without hesetation I was so surprised and nervous as I held her tighter towards me
She pulled away and my mind came back to the world.
"What was that for" I asked softly I was still pretty shooken u.
"I was never really good with words"
Then she pulled me in again

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