Leaving the hotel🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪

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I woke up to Marinettes pitite body pressed against mine as she slept, softly breathing in and out.  I looked down at her and crested her face as I slowly got up off the bed,  I was wearing my boxers and tang top.  I started to get changed. 
I woke up confused, this didn't look like my room.  With a shock I remembered everything that happened and my cheeks turned red as I saw Adrien was already up.  I flustered as I saw Adrien remove his tang top. His abs were soft and his boxers where pulled down exposing his V. I looked down and saw I was in his jacket and smiled in the blanket. I heard a deep calming voice whisper in my ear
"Enjoying the show"
Adriens lips brushed my cheek as I was frozen and flustered. Adrien started down laying infront of me his nose almost touching mine. Adrien stared deep at my lips and back up to my eyes as I was still frozen trying not to breathe as he was laying on me. I flipped him around and pinned him to the bed when his cheeks turned pink and he looked down at me.
"Are you hungry?"
I asked him as he was still blushing
Adrien said breathing hard
"Good I saw a cute restaurant across the street"
I sat up sitting on Adrien and pulled out my phone making sure the directions where right. Adrien was silent as he was still frozen and red while I was still sitting down on him as he was still pinned.
"Ok got it u ready???"
I got up and towards the bathroom to get ready. Adrien was still on the bed breathing(Adrien needs to chill asf) "yeah"
he sat up and I walked to the bathroom to get ready. I braided back my hair and splashed water on my face and got my clothes on from yesterday because we didn't bring anything to this unexpected stay. I walked out and started getting anything she brought in the hotel. Adrien went to the bathroom to get ready. I got all my stuff together and waited for Adrien.
Little time skip
Me and Adrien walked into the little restaurant and sat down. I ordered a vegetarian hot dog and fries and Adrien ordered a pancake. Me and Adrien eat, talked and giggled almost spitting out our food.
Me and Adrien headed to the train station to leave our vacation which we led our problems.

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