The hotel🥵🥵

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Me and Adrien decided to stay in London and get a hotel for the night. When we got to the hotel it was beautiful we checked in with Adriens card and went up to our room. The room was small and a bit musty but I didn't mind and Adrien didn't seem too either. 
"This is.......cute"
I knew Adrien might feel weird in a room like this that would have been a storage closet in his house but he didn't seem to care, that was one of the things I liked about Adrien he never complained he always wanted to give to others, I blushed thinking about his gentleness and how soft spoken, yet strong he is.  I realized where my thoughts were and stopped myself there I can't keep confusing myself like this.  I know there might be something with catnior but I've liked Adrien for so long and I still do but I can't like both.  One of them has to go. 
         We didn't have anything when we came here so we just plopped on the one bed that was there.  Friends. How did I get back from friends to more then back to friends in one day, I'll never know I truly have a gift don't I.
"Uh yes"
"I've been trying to get your attention"
"Oh sorry Adrien" I giggled a bit.
"Oh mari,hahah I was going to ask if u wanted me to run downstairs to the vending machine and get some snacks"
"Oh yeah sure I'll find something to watch"
"Sounds good"
Adrien left as I found a movie on Netflix. I decided to take a shower as I waited for Adrien. The hotel was silent and it was dark as I closed the bathroom door shut. I slipped off my shirt and Unbuttoned my pants. Once I was undressed I jumped in the shower and felt the hot water burn against my skin. It was silent beside the water that ran through my hair. I put my hair to one side as I soaked up the moment of calmness and peace.  Everything was still and I snapped back into remembrance of where I was, who I was with and how I was so completely lost. 
I peaked my head through the Curtain to see Adrien
"Oh hey I'll be out in a second"
Adrien flustered when Marinette peeked her head through, her bare shoulders exposed and her hair soaked and to the side.  She looked beautiful. He could feel his body tingle as he froze for a second his ears clogged up with the water hitting the tub and the echo of Marinettes voice.
"O-okay,I- ill uh see u when ur uh done"
I went back into the shower and finished up
I left the bathroom and layed on the bed.  I've always liked Marinette but never have seen her in that way and my body was in shock.  I took off my white jacket and t-shirt and was left with my white under tang top.  I set out the vending machine food so it was in reach of us both then snuggled under the covers as I waited for mari. 
    I was laying down as I heard the door open and fastly turned my head to see her wrapped in her towel staring deep at each other.  I don't know if I could wait for her to figure out her feelings for chat I can't wait another minute she's the most amazing girl I've ever met.  I was completely lost in her eyes as she went over to the side of the bed I was laying on and picked up her shirt that she was wearing today.
"I forgot this" Marinette said sounding shakey as she started heading back to get changed I gently grabbed her wrist as tingles shattered up my spine.  We drew into each others eyes revealing it all and everything we've ever felt.  Marinette blinked back into the world
"I should get changed"
"If u must" I said deeply as Marinettes cheeks grew dark red I slid my hand down hers letting go as she left back into the bathroom.
        Marinette got changed and came back in with her shorts on and her sports bra.  Marinette shivered as she climbed in next to me.
"Are u uh cold"
"I'm ok"
I handed her my white collared jacket and she stared at me making me more vulnerable than I've ever been.  She grabbed it and put it on as we watched the movie.  It was pretty quiet and there was a lot of tension but I tried to hide my blush every time I looked over at her in my jacket.  After the movie ended I went to turn off the lights as I noticed Marinette was already sleeping with her face pressed against my shoulder.  She was so beautiful, my princess.  I reached Over and switched of the lights. 
"I love you" I whispered as I slid into the covers.  I felt an arm wrap around my neck and I looked down, I froze for a sec as I pulled her small waist against me and went to sleep in her arms.
___________________________sorry this was so long I hope u enjoyed this chapter!!

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