The end🥺🥺😰😰😰🤩🤩🤩🤩🤨🥳🥳🥶🧐🧐

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I saw Marinette on the hospital bed all of a sudden the machine started beeping and I realized we were losing her I called the doctor but they couldn't do anything I panicked, the love of my life was slipping away and I couldn't do anything. I came closer to the love that was hanging on by a thread and pecked her lips and cried hoping the true loves kiss would work. It didn't. The doctors dragged me out of the room while I fought them and cried reaching for my bugaboo who I was about to lose.

The doctors stabilized her

Soon the doctors came up to me I the waiting room and told me she was awake. I ran into the room looking at my love.
"Milady" I cried
"Adrien did u just call me-"
"Are u chat nior"
She was barely conscious I didn't want her to find out like this or in this state.
I had so much emotions about how Mari was ladybug it all just came out.
"Why why didn't U let me protect u bugaboo"
"I don't need ur protection I needed ur help but u didn't show"
"I'm sorr-"
"No chat bc I'm the one in the hospital bed, I don't need your pity, I don't need ur sorrow I just need u to be here and u now revealing ur identity? I can't do this rn Adrien"
"I don't deserve to be here with you mlady im sorry I wasn't here"
He kissed my forehead then left. I was so mad at him for not being there and acting like a pick me boy, so high off these drugs I didn't think about my words. I never saw that boy again. Model boy, my kitty, he was all old memories now.

I dk if I like how this ended but I was getting bored of this story so it had to end lmao hope u liked 🤪🤪🤪🤪

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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