chapter 20: snow day

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Your POV-

The huge living room window brought in the bright morning sunlight with no warning. My eyes fluttered open and I realized my arm was wrapped around Stan's waist. I lifted my head off his chest as fast as I could.

Stan stirred awake, "Wh-are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah...yeah I'm fine. I just-"

"Aw, comere," Stan pulled me back onto him and squeezed me tight.

I laid back on his chest and cringed. I told him we needed to stay friends...then I got too high and this happened. Fuck.

"Stan, I...I need to pee."

I got up once again and ran to the bathroom next to Red and Tweek's room. I pulled at the door, but it was locked. I knocked rapidly.

"Tweek's in here," He squeaked from inside the bathroom.

"Let me in," I grunted.

The doorknob jiggled and the door opened quickly. I ran in and shut it behind me. Tweek had a headband pushing his shaggy blonde longs away from his face. A grey charcoal mask was smeared all over his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I fucked up."


"Tweek! And yes...I got way too high last night and fell asleep cuddled up next to fuckiN STAN!"

"You. Messy. Bitch!"

"You're not helping!" I ran to the toilet and sat the seat down. I buried my head in my hands, "What do I do?"

"Y/n. It's vacation! What happens in breck stays in breck, y'know? Just mess around a little and see what happens."

I looked back at Tweek and smiled, "I may be a messy bitch, but you sure are shady. Ok, I'll chill out."

"Perfect. Now get out, I had coffee this morning. You know how quick it goes through me."


I left the bathroom and went to bug Red in her and Tweek's room. The room was pitch black and Red was snoring. I tip toed to the window and yanked the blinds open.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Red yelled and threw a pillow at me at record speed.

"Wake up sleeping beauty!" I tackled her in bed and made her get up. We walked into the kitchen, the smell of bacon and the sizzle of eggs instantly put Red in a good mood. Stan and Tweek were the chefs and Kyle was setting plates and cups out.

Eric and Kenny emerged from their room, rubbing their eyes and yawning. Eric pulled up a stool to the island bar and made himself a coffee.

"Good morning, Eric." I sat next to him and made myself a coffee as well. He grunted in response.

Kenny sat next to me and yawned dramatically.

"Did you guys sleep well?" I asked a very tired Kenny.

"No." They said in unison.

"Not with Bebe and Clyde boning in the room above us." Kenny said, giving the two lovers the death stare as they came down the stairs.

"And Keeeeny talks in his sleep like a fucking freak," Eric took a long sip of his coffee, "When's breakfast ready?"

"Now," Kyle started plating the food and setting it out for everyone. We all ate in silence, too tired to make conversation and too hungry to take a break from chowing down. The only sound was music playing through the speaker Clyde brought from home.

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