chapter 21: group number

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chapter 21: group number

Red's POV-

Our lips drunkenly clashed again, faster than the last time. Her small hands were on both of my cheeks and everytime we stopped to catch our breaths, she pulled me back. She kept on adjusting herself and finally she sat up.

"Can I...get on top? I can't get comfortable on my side."

I immediately sat up and pulled her on top of my lap. I rested my hands on her thighs as we continued to make out. My hands started to creep up her thighs and under her shirt. She shivered under my touch.

"Is this okay? We can stop of you don't want to-"

She interrupted me, "No. I want this," She tied her hair up with her scrunchie, "I want you." She took off her top and rolled on her back, bringing me on top of her.

I gave her mouth a break and worked my way down to her neck. I kissed it softly and started to leave small bites. That's when I remembered when she would complain about the hickeys Kenny gave her, so I stopped.

She tugged at my shirt and silently pleaded with me to take it off. I did as instructed. She started to fiddle with the clasps and my bra came off.

She pulled me closer to her, like she didn't want me to get away. It was so hot.

"I've waited for this for so long, Y/n," I stared into her eyes and she bit her lip, "You're amazing."

As soon as we got back to business, the door to the bedroom opened.

"HEY BITCH! Omigod I'm so fucked up...HOLY SHIT!"

The door slammed and Y/n and I covered up under the blankets.

"Shit. TWEEK! YOU'RE ON THE COUCH TONIGHT BABE!" Y/n yelled from her side of the bed.

I fell back in bed and laughed. Y/n was so cute when flustered. She turned to me and busted out laughing, too. She grabbed my shirt from the edge of the bed and tossed it to me.

I held it and stared at her...was it...or this...over?

She cuddled close and laid her head on my pillow.

"I want to do this when we're both sober," she intertwined her legs in mine, "We'll enjoy it better."

I reluctantly put my shirt back on and held Y/n. She drifted off to sleep but suddenly I was wide awake. My heart told me she would feel the same way about me in the morning, but my brain told me this was a drunken act that will be regretted in a few hours.

I closed my eyes and forced myself  to think of anything else. I concentrated on Y/n's soft breaths and soon joined her in our dreams.

Your POV-

I got up out of bed, and it almost seemed instinctual. Like my body was planning this hours before I woke up. I slammed the door behind me and rushed into the bathroom across the hall. In the blink of an eye, my head was over the toilet and I was spilling my guts.

I let everything out about three times until I heard frantic knocks coming from the door.

"I'm in here..." I moaned before spewing chunks again.

The door clicked open, "It's Red," a sweet voice squeaked.

"And Stan," a deeper voice sweetly mumbled.

I hung my head over the toilet, knots in my stomach formed but it wasn't from the alcohol this time.

"Hey, babe," we brought you some Gatorade." Red sat down next to me and rubbed my back.

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