chapter 3: into the woods

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-Your POV-

The next day, Cameron, Dad and I went on a hike up some nearby mountain. The hike was almost fully uphill and was pretty excruciating. I was glad that the weather in Colorado was so nice in the summer or I would've for sure passed out. The view at the top was completely worth the terrible hike up. On the way down the mountain I was thinking about Stan and what he could possibly have in store for our little "date" tonight. Was it a date? An excuse to hook up? Neither? Both? I didn't really care either way. I had an excuse to hang out with some hot guy that I'll never get to see again, I might as well have some fun.

We got back to the hotel and I hopped into the shower. I made sure to shave. Just in case, I thought. I blow dried my hair, did my everyday makeup, and put on this light blue dress I had packed. I smiled, happy that I decided to pack it last minute. Before heading to the lobby, I checked myself out in the mirror one last time. I wanted to make sure I looked cute without seeming like I was trying too hard. My Dad knocked on my door.

"Come in," I said, giving my hair one last fluff.

"Ooo who are you getting ready for," Dad asked and sat on my bed.

"I'm getting ready for myself," I formed an L with my thumb and pointer finger and stuck it at him, "and I just happen to be hanging out with that cutie I met last night."

"Well have fun honey," He got up and gave me a hug, "and be safe."

I left my room and made my way onto the elevator. I shook my hands to get rid of my jitters and studied my face in the mirror. What's the worst that could happen? I kept asking myself over and over again. Before I could decide whether or not to bail, the elevator door dinged and opened. I walked to the lobby and tapped the shoulder of the beefy, good-looking guy I met the night before.

"Hey, Stan," I said as he turned to me. He was sporting a navy pullover tucked into some beat up jeans and he wasn't wearing a beanie tonight. I could see his fluffy, black hair at its full potential.

"Hey Y/n. I have the coolest thing to show you, come on," he grabbed my hand and led me out of a back door. We walked up to a path leading through the forest next to the lodge. The path led to a little nook that was now decked out with a picnic blanket and a wooden picnic basket.

"Did you do this? It's so cute," I was in total awe of the space he picked out for our little picnic date. Stan looked super proud of himself and sat down on the blanket. He looked up at me and then to the space next to him.

"Take a load off!" he exclaimed. "I got some snacks and drinks from the gift shop and vending machine...Hope you like M&Ms and Dr. Pepper."

The night proceeded. We ate his exotic vending machine snacks, used our phone flashlights as light sources, and got to know each other better. My head was leaning on Stan's shoulder and our hands were intertwined. He told me stories of his seemingly wacky life.

I rubbed his thumb with my own, "Your two friends Kyle and Kevin seem pretty cool."

"Kenny. Yeah, they rock."

"That fat kid seems like such a dickwad though. Why do you guys keep him around?"

"He may be an ass most of the time but we're all best friends. Like, we've been with each other since preschool. Yeah... We've pretty much been through Hell and back, " he chuckled, "I'm honestly surprised we're still alive."

"You're pretty cool Stan... I'm glad you didn't turn out to be some creep," I said and looked up at him. His gorgeous eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

"You're pretty cool too, Y/n. I'm glad you gave this random guy a chance," he put his hand on my cheek.

My eyes drifted from his eyes to his mouth. We slowly closed the gap between us and my hands were clasped behind his head. He pulled me on top of his lap, then his hands moved up and down my thighs. Thank God I shaved. Our mouths broke apart and he began to work on my neck. Soft moans escaped my lips as he nibbled my ear. God, wait till my friends hear about how I hooked up with some hot guy in the woods. They're gonna be so jealous. I smiled at the thought. When he pulled away from my neck, I pulled his pullover off of him. I started by kissing his neck and slowly made my way down his chest and stomach. One of his hands was tangled in my hair and the other was on the ground, steadying him. He let out a few groans when I got to the area above his belt. I couldn't really make out what he was saying but I just moved on. I began to unbuckle his belt as I heard a name being yelled that was definitely not mine.

I paused what I was doing and sat back on my knees. No way did he just call me by the wrong name.

-Stan's POV-

"Who the fuck is Wendy?"

I looked at the girl sitting across from me. Shit. I just called the hot girl that I was about to hook up with by my ex's name. I thought that this shit only happened in stupid romcoms.

"Y/n, fuck, sorry I-"

She got up and turned to me. Her eyes were wide but she looked ultimately emotionless.

"Um...I'm gonna go. I would say this was nice but um," she turned away, "Yeah. I've gotta go."

She sped out of the woods that we were in, leaving me shirtless and horny. I got up and began to put my shirt back on. I ran down the path that we had just travelled down together and caught up with her.

"Wait up, Y/n. I'm sorry-"

"Dude," she stopped in her tracks and looked up at me, "I don't even know you. Just...Just don't follow me, okay."

She walked back toward the resort. I hated seeing her go but I guess she was meant to be just a hook up. Good thing we were both on vacation and would never see eachother again.

I sighed and moped the whole way to my room. I changed into some boxers and crawled into my roll out bed. I heard my dad snore from the next room over and covered my head with blankets. I should apologize. I should text her. No, it doesn't matter. Fuck. Why do I care so much? These thoughts replayed in my head all night.

-Your POV-

I slammed the hotel door open. I was met with my Dad and brother watching some dick flick. I began to walk into my room before being stopped by my dad's words.

"Hey bud, what's wrong?" Dad asked with his mouth half full.

"I hate boys, that's what. I'm going to bed."

Dad started to say something but I just walked into my room. I sat on the edge of my bed and pulled my phone out. I should give him a piece of my mind. I thought. After typing out a long ass paragraph about how pissed I was, I decided not to send it. This literally didn't matter. Stan was probably from some place across the country and I'd never have to see him ever again. I deleted the text and tossed my phone to the other side of my bed. I can't wait to spill this story to my friends when I get back home.

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