chapter 15: that's messed up, man

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Your POV-

I looked back at Kyle, "What happens now?"

He reached out and started to pet my hair, "Thirty minutes. Then you'll feel it."

He stared at me with his intense eyes. Usually Kyle's eyebrows were scrunched up due to stress or anger, but they were perfectly relaxed. His hand travelled from my hair to my jaw. His thumb ran back and forth over my lips.

"You're beautiful," he whispered.

"Thank you," I responded. I wasn't sure what to say. My brain was still groggy from the alcohol and I was expecting to trip on acid shortly.

He chuckled, "Kenny is lucky to have you. I should've tried to win you over first," He began to rub my thighs.

"Kyle. Stop," I started.

He started to lean me back when Clyde's door flew open. I looked over to the door and saw my superhero boyfriend standing at the door.

"Y/n, let's go."

I slowly stood up, "What's wrong?"

Kenny grabbed my hand and began to pull me out of the room, "I'll explain it to you later."

Red started to call after me but I was busy getting dragged down the stairs. We walked out the front door in a rush. Moving from indoors to outdoors was a terrible mistake. I immediately began to trip.

"Kenny, I need to sit down."

"Get in my car, we're going to my house."


"HURRY!" Kenny yelled and opened the door for me.

As soon as the door was shut, I heard a loud pop. I watched my boyfriend drop limp to the ground. Everything around me began to morph. The world went silent as I slowly opened the door to his truck. My eyes darted around, looking at the spinning night sky and the trees that started to turn different colors.

I looked down at my boyfriend who was laying stiff in a pool of dark red blood. I couldn't tell if it was real life or if I was just tripping. I hopped out of the truck and sat next to him. I started to shake his body but he didn't move. I looked up to see a crowd of people leave the party. All at once, my ears were flooded with screams and cries. Clyde's face was right near mine, but it was hard to tell who he was. I reached out to his face and felt his wet cheeks.

"Y/n are you okay," he questioned as I stared at him, "What's going on?"

I could tell that Clyde was sobbing, crying and choking on his words.

"Is this real?" I asked, my head started to feel like a bowling ball.

Clyde's head shook "yes" in my hands.

I heard Stan behind me screaming, "OH MY GOD!" over and over again. He leaned over some bushes and began to throw up. Eric had dialed up 911 and was yelling for the police to come as soon as possible. Craig was crouching next to Clyde and telling him to calm down. Token began to tell everyone to go home and paid for Ubers for everyone who was too inebriated to drive themselves.

Suddenly, blue and red lights were approaching. I brought my knees to my cheeks and shut my eyes. I was so dizzy and the lights were freaking me out.

Clyde motioned for Eric to come to us.

"You need to take her to her bedroom and trip sit her. She dropped acid earlier and is tripping pretty hard. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid," Clyde said as he started to stand up.

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