chapter 14: a halloween bash

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Your POV-

"Y/n! We can't just move the party two weeks in advance!" Clyde said at his doorstep on Tuesday morning.

"Clyde! I'm about to be living with Eric Cartman. I have never needed a party more," I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. He stared at me and scratched his head. "Please, Clyde!" I whined and gave him some puppy eyes,

"God. Fine," He unlocked his car and walked towards it, "But you have to print out the flyers this morning!" Clyde ran, jumped into his car, and began to speed away.

"What was that all about?"

"Oh. Clyde is making me print flyers for our party this weekend," I started to drive away.

"I thought your Halloween party was going to be on Halloween..."

"Well, with the news we got last night, I decided that my friends and I deserve a party."

"Can I come?" Cameron asked, with praying hands.

"Absolutely not!" I booped my little brother's nose.

When we got to school, Kenny was waiting on me in his truck. We walked together to the library and discussed party plans. The printers were open and I began to print out our flyers.

Kenny started to stack the flyers, "So...what are we going to be?"

"I was thinking to go with the obvious! Barbie and Ken!"

Kenny raised an eyebrow at me and stuck out his tongue, "Ya really think Ken ever had a tongue piercing?" He sat the flyers down and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Well I can do you up real preppy and no one will even notice!" I pulled away and straightened his collared shirt.

I stuffed the papers in my backpack as the bell started to ring. We rushed to our first period with Mr. Garrison. As he started to teach, I stealthily passed flyers to everyone in the class. During lunch, Clyde and I went to tables filled with upperclassmen and scattered our flyers like snow. After about ten minutes of that, we finally sat down at our table with our friends. Everyone was buzzing about Halloween costumes and how excited they were to get fucked up.

"I have the best idea for our costumes!" Clyde yelled to the table.

The rest of us turned our attention to him and waited for him to finish.

"Let's be the Freedom Pals!"

Everyone at the table started to cheer, but I was so confused. I was pretty nerdy in middle school, but I had never heard of a superhero group called the Freedom Pals.

"I was thinking maybe we could all redo our costumes from when we were kids and add like a cooler, more badass touch," Clyde explained, "Maybe this time, Craig can actually put some effort into his costume."

Craig flipped Clyde off, "Super Craig was a fucking legend, you know that."

The boys were telling each other how they would redo their costumes but I sat in silence. I had no clue what they were talking about.

"What about you Y/n," Craig asked, "What are you going to be?"

"Oh...uh Kenny and I are going to be Ken and Barbie," I chuckled awkwardly. My costume plan seems super lame now.

"That's cute," Craig flatly stated, which made me feel worse. I knew he really meant it, but his tone always came off as uninterested.

The rest of lunch was a little painful but I didn't let it get me down. I still had so much to plan! I started to compile a list of drinks and snacks I was to provide. I also made a list of stuff for Clyde to get. Clyde's main job was to sell Mr. Donovan and my dad to go on a weekend fishing trip with Jimbo Kern and his friend Ned. He had succeeded at that and my Dad was really excited to get a little break from his kids.

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