The Cheating Then The Meeting

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Chapter 1

'I wanna see your animal side. Let it all out oh there you go; undress to impress. You can wear the crown but you're not princess.'

I groan and reach over to turn off Fall Out Boy, but they seem to want to keep singing. I love them, but not when it comes to my sleep. I open one eye and hit snooze then snuggle back into my warm bed. But of course my older brother, Zach, had to come in and pull me out of my bed by my legs. I fall on the floor and groan again.

"C'mon Ash! Time for school!" He yells at me. He takes one of my pillows and starts hitting my butt with it.

"Alright! I'm up!" I yell and sit up, rubbing my eyes and mumble 'stupid brother' under my breath. He laughs and just kissed my forehead before leaving my room. I hate how he wakes me up nowadays. It always ends in hitting me with a pillow and me screaming at him. Mom had the perfect way of waking me up. She'd stroke my messy hair and bribe me to get up with my favorite food. She'd always promise making her famous chicken Parmesan for dinner. It was to die for. Unfortunately, I'll never have it again. 

Both my parents are dead. They were in a car accident and died on impact. Luckily they didn't suffer. Doctors said there was a good chance they didn't feel their spines break in half because they had died from hitting their heads on the windows. It was a gruesome sight to see. Mom's head was sticking out of the windshield while dad's had broken the driver side window. It instantly killed them. I hope anyway. It hurts knowing they could've suffered before dying from blood loss.

My older brother had to take me in after the news. He was twenty and I was only sixteen. Now he was twenty-two and I'm almost eighteen. A senior in high school. I smiled at the picture of my parents and kissed both their faces before placing it back on my dresser and went to take a quick shower.

I turn on my iPod to a Beyonce song and took a shower singing along to Drunk In Love. I'm totally a Beyonce in training. You can tell by the cat screeches and the dogs whimpering. Psh. I'm fabulous. Not. Zach has said several times I've made his ears bleed, yet there's no blood. Maybe his brain can't bleed anymore.

I get out and went to my enormous closet to look for an outfit. It was warm today, so I picked a summer dress that goes to mid-thigh and with yellow polka dots on the skirt to pop out from the white background. I took out my favorite jean jacket and slipped on some ankle high boots that had a three inch heel on them. Satisfied with my outfit, I did make-up. I had flawless skin, thanks to my mom, so I normally just put on mascara and lipgloss. I got mom's eyes so they were blue. Zach has brown eyes like our dad. Satisfied with how I look, I picked up my bag and went downstairs to get breakfast.  

"Hey baby sis! I made you your favorite; oatmeal and toast with strawberry and grape jelly." That's a lot of carbs. I mumble a thanks and sit down only to eat a few bites of the oatmeal before kissing his cheek and leaving before he can lecture me on how much I eat. I'm the captain of the cheerleading squad and I have to keep my figure. Not saying big girls are bad anything it's just..never mind.

Anyway, I climbed into my beautiful 2012 dark blue Camaro and sped off to school. My baby was a birthday present from daddy when I aced all my classes in tenth grade. I smiled at the memory when he threw keys at me and told me to go get cereal and milk. I bet my face was priceless. I giggled to myself when I pulled into school, parking in my normal spot and getting out. I grabbed my back pack and cheerleading bag from the backseat and walk into school to meet my friends. I smiled at everyone that said 'hey' to me and waved occasionally. I finally got to my locker and waited for my best friends; Josh, Amanda and Nicole to come bother me. I closed my locker when Josh came behind me and spun me around.  

"Josh!" I squealed. He laughed and put me down before placing a big kiss on my cheek. You'd think we were a couple, but no. I was dating a football player named Drake Hale who I've dated for almost a year. I hugged Amanda and Nicole then set off to my first class. I rounded the corner just in time to see Drake walking to his locker. I almost called out to him when I saw a manicured hand through his hair. I was going to see if the girl was fixing his hair till I heard him moan. Oh god, he's cheating on me!

I was about to march over there and yell at him, but someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me away. I was pushed against a wall and a hand was placed over my mouth. I looked up at the person and my eyes widen. Shit. It's Toby Anderson, the school bad boy. He put a finger over his lips to make sure I was quiet. I was too shocked to argue so I simply nodded. Toby removed his hand and looked around the corner before grinning down at me. 

"How about some revenge? Your boyfriend is walking over here." He whispered with his signature smirk on his kissable lips. Did I just compliment Toby Anderson's lips?! I realized he was waiting for answer so I immediately shook my head, but he crushed his lips to mine anyway. Oh wow, his lips really were soft. 

"Ashley!" I heard Drake yell. I pulled away and looked at him, boy he looked pissed. So, he can cheat, but I can't?

"Oh my gosh, Drake! I thought since you can kiss someone else, I could too!" Why did I say that?! I heard Toby chuckle and wrap his arm around my waist.

"Sorry man, but she's mine now." He patted Drake's shoulder and walked off with me beside him. Well, more like dragged me behind him. I looked over my shoulder and saw Drake punch a locker then stormed off. I frowned before turning back around.

"I'm yours?" I looked up at Toby, he just winked and walked me out of the school and towards his motorcycle. Well shit. I guess I was ditching school with the boy everyone thought had gone to jail every month. I wondered if that was true. He was my age so surely he didn't go to jail. Then again he does smoke and drink. How do I know that? He smells like cigarette smoke and I've seen him drink a bottle of beer in one gulp. That shit was disgusting. It tasted like old grass. 

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