Who Do I Pick?

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~~One Week After Coming Home From Hospital~~

"I can walk on my own Drake!" I groaned when he picked me up and carried me down the stairs.

"I don't want you to fall baby. Hush that pretty mouth and let me baby you!" I giggled when he kissed my nose. You may think we're dating again, but we're not. He's just taking real good care of me, which I adore. I haven't heard from Toby since I got out of the hospital. Well, haven't heard from him in a little over four months but I was unconscious for those four months! ... I do miss him though. Drake did tell me someone's been calling everyday checking up on me.. I think it's him, not sure though. I'd be able to find out if Drake would let me talk to whoever keeps calling. I squeal suddenly when Drake plops down on the couch with me on his lap.

"Drake!" I blushed a horrible red and squirmed on his lap to try and get off.

"Sweetheart, stop that." He groans huskily in my ear. I froze immediately. Something's poking my butt. Oops. Drake chuckled at my horror. 

"You look so cute when you blush." I buried my face in his neck and whined softly. I hated being called cute. What am I, five? He tightened his arms around me and I felt safe. Safer than I have in awhile. I've been questioning my feelings for Drake since I've gotten home. I noticed I'm happy when he's around, like I was before I found out he was cheating on me. I've even thought about giving him another chance but my trust has been broken when it comes to us as a couple. What if he cheated on me again? I don't think I could go through that again.

"Get yo hands off meh baby sista!" I giggled at Zach trying to sound like a thug. I looked up to see my brother glaring at Drakes hands around my waist.

"I can't. She glued my hands to her body!" Drake groaned when I smacked him on the head. Zach and Drake have been getting along, seeing as Drake won't leave me alone more than five seconds. Zach's happy though, someone's here to look after me while he works. And he's been working an awful lot lately. He won't tell me why but I saw one of the hospital bills.. Let's just say as soon as I'm better, I'm finding two jobs.

"I'm hungry." I pout up at my brother and bat my eyelashes. He grins and pulls out a McDonalds bag out from behind his back. I squeal happily and reach out for it, greedily stuffing the food in my mouth before Drake could take any. I smile big when there's a large sweet tea in front of my face. My favorite! I drink half of it in a gulp and lay back satisfied.

"Yummyyyy!" I giggle softly as I slowly finish my drink. Zach plops down by Drake so I can lay my head on his lap. He plays with my hair while switching through channels. I groan when the doorbell rings, damn it I have to move. Zach slid out from under me and went to the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I hear him scream. I frown and slide off Drakes lap, ignoring his protests. I wobble up behind Zach and see who's at the door. My eyes widen and I freeze. Toby..





"T-Toby?" I whisper. Zach turns around but blocks Toby so I can't see him.

"Go back to the living room, Ash. Drake! Come get her." I try to get around Zach but it's hard with a large boot on my leg. I struggle against Drake who picks me up and starts dragging me back to the living room.

"Let me go! I want to talk to Toby!" I screamed when Drake threw me over his shoulder, gently of course, and went upstairs. I banged my fists on his back but it didn't do any good. He walked into my room and shut the door then threw me on my bed, softly also. I got up and wobbled to the door but Drake grabbed me and put me back on the bed as if I was child.

"Stay!" He glared at me and sat in front of the door.

"She doesn't want you anymore! She's with Drake!" I got up and banged on the door, yelling out to make sure Toby could hear me.

"Don't listen to him! I'm not with Drake! Toby!" I screamed when Drake pulled me down to his lap and covered my mouth with his hand.

"Shush princess. He's only doing this to protect you." I sighed and gave up, simply relaxing against his chest. Drake moved his hand and wrapped his arms around his waist then drew circles in my back with his fingers. He knew that relaxed me. I heard more yelling but I was too tired to pay attention. Soon, I realized I was asleep.

Drake POV (that's new xD)

I watched Ash sleep while Zach was downstairs yelling at Toby. I grinned whenever he called Toby a dumbass or an idiot.

"You broke her heart too many times! She was in the fucking hospital because of you!" Which was true. If Ash wouldn't of ran out of the house when she heard Toby talk to some slut, she wouldn't of gotten hit by the car. Idiot driver. Turns out the driver was busy on his phone, sending out a text right when he hit her. He definitely got into some shit and is now sitting in jail. I'm glad they made texting and driving illegal otherwise he'd be out in the roads again.

I pulled Ashley closer to me and buried my face in her hair. She always smelled so good. I froze when she sighed and snuggled closer to me, trying to get warm. I didn't notice her shivering. I got up and laid her under the covers then slid in next to her, on top of the covers of course, and held her tight to me. I can't believe I'm still in love with this girl but she'd never give me a second chance. I fucked up majorly by making out with some girl. I'm the fucking idiot now.

"I still love you princess." I whispered in her ear before falling asleep listening to Toby and Zach fight.

Toby POV (so many POV's xD)

I groaned and paced back and forth in front of Ashley's place, trying to work up the courage to knock on the door. I looked to the driveway and saw Drake was here. Fucking perfect. I walked up the door and knocked, hoping it would be Ash to answer but no, it was Zach.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I gulped and opened my mouth but I saw someone behind him.

"T-Toby?" My eyes widened and I looked at Ash. She's always been so beautiful, no matter what shit she's gone through.

"Go back to living room. Drake! Come and get her!" I frowned when he threw her over his shoulder and went upstairs. He's allowed in her room but I wasn't?

"I need to talk to her. I miss her." I pleaded.

"She doesn't want you! She's with Drake now!" He yelled in my face.

"He's lying! Toby! I'm not with Drake!" I looked into the house when I heard pounding and yelling. So she's not with Drake? I grinned at that.

"I don't want you anywhere near my sister. You've broken her heart too many times! She was in the fucking hospital because of you!" I flinched back. It was true. She ran out of he house because I thought she was cheating on me..

"I know but I'm ready to be with her one hundred precent without the slut I called." I grimaced at him. I had cut all ties with her who shall not be named.

"It's too late for that. Stay away from my sister." He slammed the door in my face and even locked it. Great. I walked to Ash's window and looked into it. Drake was carrying her to bed then disappeared with her. He's in her bed.. Where we used to lay together and talk.

"Fuck. Don't cry." I groaned and walked away. Maybe I should let her go. She's obviously happy with Drake..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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