The Bad Boy and The Brother Team Together

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Chapter 8


"Maaaark! Where are we going?" I whined again. He just chuckled and grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles. Of course, I blushed and stayed quiet like every other time he did that. He seemed to learn tricks to shut me up. I thought it was cute though. 

"It's a surprise baby girl. Be patient, we're almost there." I just huffed and looked out the window, waiting not so patiently. I kept wiggling my leg or tapping my fingers on my lap. Mark just smiled and kept driving. I was about to ask him again when the car stopped and Mark announced we were here. I immediately jumped out of the car and looked around. We were in the woods. How did I not notice that? Suddenly Toby's words appeared. Was he luring me somewhere so people wouldn't hear my screams. Was I trusting this man too easily? 

"Aww baby girl, you beat me to opening your door." Mark pouted at me. I shook the thoughts out of my head and smiled at him. How could he use women when he was such a gentleman?

"Sorry, I just couldn't wait to get out." He grabbed my hand, a back pack from the trunk and led me further into the woods. I gulped and started getting nervous. Is he gonna kill me? Rape me and lock me in some cabin and make me a slave for eternity? I shook my head, I really need to stop watching scary movies. And listening to Toby's words. Mark stopped and let go of my hand to take something out of his back pack. I started fidgeting nervously. I watched him take out a blanket and laid it on the ground. What is he doing?

"Sit down sweetheart." He smiled at me. I gave him a questioning look and sat down on the blanket then watched him take out some food. Are we on a picnic?

"Yes we are." Mark answered me. Oh shit, did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did." He chuckled at me. I blushed and looked down. He handed me a sandwich wrapped up and a soda.

"Wow, I feel over dressed for this picnic." I joked and took a bite of my sandwich. Mmm, peanut butter and jelly. My second favorite. Bologna and cheese was my first. 

"I'm sorry. I wanted this to be a surprise, I didn't know you'd get dressed up. But to make up for it, we'll go to a fancy party, yeah?" I giggled and nodded at him. We talked and asked each other questions till I was ready to leave. Mark packed up everything and grabbed my hand again and walked back to the car. He opened my door for me and I thanked him quietly and got in. I checked my phone while he was putting everything in the trunk. My eyes widened at my phone. Toby has texted and called me for two hours. And Zach for three hours. What did they want? I frowned and read a few texts warning me about Mark and to tell him where I am. I sigh and texted him back to tell him Mark is taking me to a party. He replied back but I didn't get a chance to read it, Mark got in the car and drove off. I didn't even get the chance to read Zach's texts. 

"Ready to party baby girl?!" I rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm and nodded.

About an hour later, we pulled up at a huge house with music playing that I could clearly hear from inside the car. This time I waited for Mark to open my door for me. It was sweet. He gently took my hand and started walking to the party. There were people all over the front lawn making out. There was even a boy making out with a beer bottle. Guess he had a little too much to drink. 

"I want you to stay by my side all night, okay? I don't want some asswipe grabbing you and taking advantage of you." I immediately leaned into him and mumbled okay. He lead me into the house and steered me into the kitchen.

"Want a drink baby girl?" He yelled at me over the ear splitting music. I nodded and saw him pour me  a mixed drink while I looked around at the couples. Couldn't they go somewhere else if they wanted to grope each other? Gross. Mark handed me the drink which I quickly took a sip of and frowned. It tasted funny.

"I put some juice in it, do I need to put more?" He whispered, more like yell, in my ear. I shook my head and took a big gulp. It doesn't taste that weird.

"Drink the rest baby girl or it'll get spilled while we dance!" I listened and chugged down the rest before throwing it behind me. The room was already a mess so why not add to it?! We were only dancing for a few minutes when things suddenly got fuzzy. Am I buzzed already? 

..:Mark POV:..

I needed to sweep Ash off her feet to make her trust me. When I asked if she wanted to go to a party, I was a little surprised she said yes. But then again, I do know how to sweep a girl off her feet. Had some practice. That's when I started thinking of my plan. I'd slip the drug into her drink at the party and get her high enough that she won't protest when I try and fùck her. When we arrived to the party, I immediately went to the kitchen to get her started. While she was looking around I took the drug out and poured some in her drink. I handed it to her and watched her scrunch her nose. Shit, I put too much.

"I put juice in it, do I need to put more?" I whispered to her. She shook her head and took a big drink. I grinned and grabbed her hand to lead her to the dance floor.

"Drink the rest baby girl or it'll get spilled!" I yelled to her. She nodded and drank it down and threw the cup on the floor. I dragged her to the middle of the dance floor and began swaying with her to the music. I was holding her hips to me and dancing when I noticed she began stumbling and blinking her eyes repeatedly. The drug is kicking in, time to find a room.

..:Toby POV:..

I didn't know what to do. I tried following them but I got caught a red light and didn't see where he turned. Fuck! I texted Ash but she didn't answer me for another hour. A party? Mark is taking her to a party?! I asked which one but she never answered me. I don't know what to do, so I went to someone else. Someone who hates me. I knocked on the door and saw Ashs brother, Zach, standing there. He had a frantic look on his face which meant he knew about Ash. At least I hoped. 

"I need your help. Mark is my brother and I don't know where he went with Ash." I breathed out. I saw his eyes go big and saw the anger in them when he realized I was related to the asshole. He grabbed his shoes and ran to his car with me right on his heels. 

"Get in!" He growled at me. I got in the passenger seat and gave him directions to a friend of Marks house that always has parties. We pulled up and saw people everywhere. Thank god I'm good at guessing. 

"That's Marks car!" I pointed to his mustang. Zach stormed out of the car and I followed behind him. We went into the house and I went to Mark's friends.

"Where is Mark?!" I yelled above the music. They pointed upstairs and my stomach dropped. He's already got her up there. I grabbed Zach and ran upstairs with him on my heels. I barged into every room till I found a door locked. I leaned my ear to the door and listened. After a few minutes, I heard Ash yell. 

"M-Mark! St-stop!" I waved over Zach and watched him try to knock the door down. 

"Shut up bitch and uncross your legs!" I heard him scream at her. Zach finally got the door open and I saw Mark naked on top of a naked Ashley with her legs crossed tight. Good girl. Zach charged at Mark and punched him multiple times. Damn that's gotta hurt. I grabbed Ash and her ripped dress, trying to cover her up. I finally just took my shirt off and pulled it over her head. Luckily she was small so it went to above her knees. I looked up at her and saw she was crying.

"Shh princess, I got you." I hugged her and she curled into me.

"You carry her, we gotta get her out of here." Zach said breathless. I looked over to Mark to see blood seeping out of wounds on his face. 

"Don't worry. I called the cops and told them Mark Anderson was trying to rape my sister. He should be out long enough for them to get here." We didn't even warn people. Our main priority was to get Ashley out of here and to safety. I picked up Ash bridal style and ran after Zach. If we were a minute later, my girl would've been raped. I clutched her tighter to me while Zach drove home. A minute later.. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wasting my time on knowing she would've been hurt. 

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