Meeting His Friends

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Chapter 2

Toby handed me his helmet then got on his bike, a smirk on his lips when he saw me hesitate. That thing was a killing machine. And he wasn't wearing a helmet!

"C'mon kitten, we gotta go before a teacher comes out here." Did he just call me kitten? I am not a cat. Even though I love cats. They're cute.

"I've never skipped school before. What if they call my parents?" I mumbled softly, moving the helmet between my hands. People knew my parents were gone, but I guess he didn't because he laughed and grabbed my arm pulling me to sit behind him.

"Don't worry baby, I'll take care of it." He puts my helmet on my head and even does the strap. Then he forces my arms to go around his waist. I felt him run his hand along my thigh which allowed me to see my short dress had become shorter. My upper thighs were showing and if it went higher, my underwear would be showing too. I quickly slapped his hand away and lowered the material until it rested above my knee. He simply chuckled and sped off without warning. I'm glad my arms were around his waist or I may have flown off the bike.

After what seemed hours, Toby patted my thigh and told me I can get off now. Only I couldn't move. I seriously couldn't move. He sighs and gently pries my arms off, gets off the bike and takes off my helmet. I felt his breath on my neck and shivered. I forced my eyes open to see him grin and press his lips softly to my skin, right below my right ear. I bit my lower lip and even tilted my head to the side a little, almost encouraging him to go on.

"Does the princess like this? Having my lips on her skin?" He mumbles against my neck and I involuntarily tilted my head even further. My whole neck was exposed now. His grin got bigger and he slid his hand up on the inside of my thigh. I whimpered softly when I felt him nip at my neck with his teeth. It brought goosebumps onto my arms and made my breathing speed up a little.

"Do you want me to go further kitten?" He whispers in my ear. I looked at him in confusion before I felt his fingers brush my sensitive area. That area only my husband was allowed to touch. I yelped and pushed his hand away while trying to stumble off the bike. Keyword being try. I got off but I only managed to land onto my ass. I felt my cheeks go hot when I realized my legs were spread open which meant he could see my panties. I quickly shoved the dress down and clutched my legs together. I pouted when he just stood there with that stupid smirk on his face.

"Aw, don't pout. I may have to take away your innocence." He winked at me and forcefully picked me up off the ground.

"Did you kidnap me?" I kinda shouted at him. I felt Toby's arms wrap around my waist and pull me flush against him and boy was he excited. I squirmed a little which made him groan softly. I grinned and started grinding on him. Let's see how he likes to be teased. His hands moves down to my hips and he brought me even closer to him. I looked over my shoulder and saw his eyes were closed with his mouth open just a little.

"You like that bad boy?" I asked him and grinded harder. He moaned and bit his lip, now's a good time. I pulled away and giggled when I saw just how "excited" he really was. Toby forced his eyes open and looked at me in confusion before he followed my eyes. He sighed and put his hand down his pants to situate himself. In front of me! My eyes widened as I quickly shoved my hands in front of my face to hide the sight.

"Why, you little tease!" He growled at me. Oh shit, I'm gonna get it now. I did a not so cute squeak sound and turned around to run only to faceplant a hard chest. Damn it, now there's another dude.

"Is this little girl giving you troubles, Toby?" I heard a man say. I looked up at him and saw he was hot. Muscles everywhere, but he was huge. And scary. Like twenty times bigger and scarier than Toby, if that's possible.

"The little tease decided to see how excited I could get. Damn this is uncomfortable." I heard Toby say. I blushed and looked down in embarrasment and maybe a little regret. I just wanted him to see how fun it was to be teased. I suddenly felt someone's arms around my waist and knew it was Toby. His friend was poking my butt.

"Do you want to fix this problem? I love it when a girl gets on her knees." He whispered in my ear.

"N-no!" I stuttered. Great. Toby laughed like the big ass he was and slapped my ass before going inside a house. I stood there dumbfounded before he came out and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed and tried covering up my ass when I felt a sudden breeze. Damn that's a cold! I heard guys whistle when we walked inside which meant they have all seen my ass and underwear. Good thing I wore a lacy thong. There was no way I'd wear granny panties when I'm wearing a dress.

I was dropped on to another lap but I knew it wasn't Toby. This lap was all muscle and there was no.. thing poking me. But that didn't stop me from squirming. I wanted up. I huffed in frustration then froze when I felt it poking me. Why can't men keep their.. things under control?!

"Now kitten, you got me hard but if you want to suck everyone off, I suggest you stop squirming and fix your dress." I heard Toby say beside me. I frowned and looked down at my dress, my lacy thong was on full display. My matching bra was slightly popping out too. A whole cup was almost showing. I whined and stood up to fix it while the guys whistled at me. Pigs. Suddenly a pair of arms dragged me back and I landed on another lap. For goodness sake! At least it was Toby this time. I saw the tattoos going down his arm. At least I hope it's Toby.

"Damn baby, you can really put on a show without even trying," he whispered against my neck. I don't like this. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to go home.

"Toby, please take me home. I don't want to be here," I mumbled quietly. He grinned against my neck.

"Why not princess? Do you not like all the male attention?" I frowned at him and he looked into my eyes. I was sure fear was the first thing he saw. I hated getting all the attention, even though I'm the head cheerleader, but at least there's other girls. Here? I'm the only one. He frowned, nodded his head and stood up. Toby grabbed my hand and ignoring the guys call as he lead me outside to his bike. I was already putting the helmet on when he helped me with the strap.

"I'm sorry Ash, I wasn't thinking. You're not like the other girls that like all this attention." He got on the bike and I got on behind him. Luckily he let me fix my dress before I wrapped my arms around his waist and we were off. I don't like all that attention, but I liked the attention from him. His hard-on honestly got me excited. Geez, I sound like a slut...and I think I'm starting to like Toby Anderson. Shit shit shit.

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