The Broken Heart Part II

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I was finally getting out of here! Stupid hospital was driving me crazy. I've been laying in this stupid bed in this stupid white room for two weeks! Apparently Alex did more damage to my throat than the doctor thought. I couldn't talk for three days and I still can't without sounding like I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day. However, the doctor said it was normal to sound like I've been a twenty year smoker. He just told me to take it easy and no screaming. Of course Toby got that stupid smirk on his face as he winked at me. Perv.

I was currently waiting outside the hospital for my brother to come pick me up. I grumbled when he was, of course, late. A nurse waited outside with me since it was so hot. She didn't want me overheating. She had a big glass of ice water and would make me take a sip every few minutes. 

Since I had been in the hospital the past two weeks, I had to take my finals in the hospital bed. It was stupid but I was done with school. I am free for the summer!

"I think someone killed her!" I heard my brother yell. I opened my eyes glared at him to which he smiled innocently. He knows how much I hate it when he's late. But seeing Toby next to my brother had my eyes widening. I didn't think Zach would let him come. Toby gave me a boyish grin as he helped me out of the wheelchair and towards the car. I turned around and waved at the nurse before I got in. She's nice.

"Damn sis, it's been lonely at home! And quiet! I was thinking about getting a puppy just so I could hear noise." Zach yelled then grinned at me. I rolled my eyes at him. Idiot. After pulling into our driveway, Toby was out before the car stopped and carefully pulled me out. Both boys stayed glued to my side, making sure I didn't stumble or fall. It was kind of annoying. It's not like I had any broken bones. The bruising around my neck was faded to just a slight yellow color and the swelling had gone down tremendously. I could talk without wincing in pain. 

Once I was inside, I frowned at the darkness but soon the lights flickered on and there were people everywhere. There was a sign hanging on the stairs, welcoming me back home. I covered my mouth and saw all of the cheerleaders, my best friend Josh and even Drake was there. He was the first one at my side, a happy grin on his lips.

"I can't believe you guys did this!" I uncovered my mouth and hugged the boy, giggling when he picked me up a little. 

"We all missed you, baby girl! We all thought you could use some cheering up and a small party." Drake set me down and soon more friends were crowding, giving me their love.

"Thank you! This is beyond perfect." I smiled and turned, intending on giving Toby my thanks too but he wasn't beside Zach anymore. I frowned and walked towards him, Zach just gave me a sad smile.

"Where did Toby go?"

"He stormed off after Drake called you baby girl." He sighed and pointed upstairs. I crossed my arms and went upstairs to see the door to my bedroom was open. I was about to walk inside when I heard Toby shout.

"She's cheating on me! And with that asshole Drake that cheated on her! I knew something was going on between those two. Are you busy? Good. I'm coming over and make sure you wear something sexy for me." My eyes slid closed as tears began to form. After everything we went through, he still didn't trust me. I stumbled down the stairs, ignoring the concerned calls I was getting as I walked out of the house. I needed to get away. I can't see anyone. My tears were blocking my eyesight but I didn't care. I managed to stumble onto the road, intending on heading to the woods. It would take people hours to find me. But the sound of Drake yelling at me stopping and turning towards my house. 

"ASHLEY! GET OUT OF THE RO-" Next thing I know, I hear honking, tires squealing then something hard hits my body, making it fly over the vehicle and landing behind it on the ground. I heard glass hitting the concrete then crunching as finish tumbling down the road. I couldn't even cry out. I felt frozen. This was just my luck. I get out of the hospital this morning then I get hit by a car and go back. I looked down at my arm, whimpering at the odd angle it was laying in. There were small puddles of blood starting to form and I saw glass sticking out of wounds on the exposed skin of my legs and arms. 

I looked away from my wounds when I heard shouting. Drake was running towards me with Zach on his heels. Josh was on the phone, probably calling an ambulance but the one person that kept my attention was Toby. He was on his knees on the ground, tears streaming down his face as he stared at me. It hurt seeing the fear and despair in his eyes but I remembered what he was saying moments before I got hit. The pain lessened a little, at least in my heart it did. The throbbing and stinging pain on my body was becoming intense, making me cry out. I started screaming when everything hit me at once. I just got hit by a car, I was bleeding out, and there was no telling if I was going to make it. 

"Ashley! Baby, calm down. The ambulance are on their way! We'll get you to the hospital and you'll get better then you owe me a date. Remember?" My cries began to quieten down but not for a good reason. I was losing consciousness. Black spots were starting to cloud my eyesight, I could feel my eyes begin to flutter which meant they would close at any moment. And then moments later they did, my breathing was coming out in pants now. Maybe my lung was punctured or maybe I was trying to hold onto life by the fingertips. 

"No! Baby, please. Keep those eyes open. I want to tell you where I'm taking you on our date. It'll be magical, Ash. There will be flowers, so many flowers and your favorite kind. I promise not to be a douche ever again! I'll be a good boyfriend, I swear!" I could hear Drake start to sob as did Zach. Then everything went quiet, everything went black. 

I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I didn't get a chance to say I loved Toby. I didn't tell Zach how much I appreciate him taking care of me. I didn't get a chance to give Drake another try like I promise. I didn't get a chance to live my life. I just graduated. I'm supposed to go to college, meet a man and fall in love. I want to have babies, lots of babies and die old with the man I love. It wasn't supposed to happen like this! It wasn't fair!

Then again, the saying is 'life isn't fair'. I suppose it was right. 

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