T w e n t y - t h r e e

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'' Everyone uses everyone.''


Amelie Avery.

She stood, merely frozen on the edge of the cliff, and even if she held exposed to such an opportunity, where she had every chance in the world to finally end her years of suffering.

This was the first time she didn't want to.

Her eyes flickered over the treetops, hearing the whirl of chilly wind as it danced through the wavy strands of her hair.

The color on her cheeks flushed as she hugged herself. Her knees weak from the lack of sleep she possessed, the purple rings underneath her eyes faded into an even paler tone of skin.

She was losing herself in a moment where she was supposed to be happy.

The one thing she held dearly in this life, yet haunted her so deeply, was the truth of her mother's death.

Nobody could ever take that memory away from her because it was true.

It happened.

She was there when the last sip of air tightened in her mother's chest. She was there to witness her body as it turned cold. Still, her best friend, whom she had confided most of her existence in, told her the otherwise.

He told her that her mother was alive. He told her that she, deeply buried inside, was the only one with the knowledge of where her mother had gone.

What plan she had because the one person her mother trusted was her.

The strokes of gust nibbled her cheeks as her eyes snapped to the lake, buried in between the tree bunks, glinting in the sunbeams that kept peering out from behind the heavy clouds.

'' There you are,'' Theodore stepped close from behind, standing next to her on the cliff, '' I looked for you everywhere.''

She flinched back, still not used to another person being close to her after her weeks of being locked inside. Draco always made himself known before he approached her, but not Theodore.

He was familiar with her being appreciative of his closeness, but she wasn't. Not now.

Because now, it felt like someone had ripped a piece of her skin off of her. As if someone was taken from her, and the touch she craved more than anyone else's.

She couldn't have.

Draco had lied to her again, and she knew that he wasn't to be trusted, yet her mind refused to give in. She needed him.

Every day that passed without having him close to her, feeling the cold hands as he lingered, hearing the huffs he always made, looking into the grey, mesmerizing eyes as they watched her,

How he looked after her everywhere, she went without question.

Her mind battled in the confusion of the blonde boy. The ache she felt of her mother's lies tore through her as her best friend stepped closer.

'' Did you eat breakfast?'' Theodore asked her, looking concernedly at her as she slightly shook her head.

'' I didn't,'' Amelie whispered back, nearly inaudible by the wind around them, the leaves shrugging against each other.

Theodore closed in, his hands around her shoulders as he brought her into his chest, '' Let me make you something. It's important that you eat, love.''

Cursed | Draco Malfoy, 18+Where stories live. Discover now