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'' What brings you here?''


Draco Malfoy.

He didn't want to do this; he didn't want to do any of this. The thought of questioning Theodore's father was cruel, it hurt him in ways not imaginable, but he had to.

He had to find her. He had driven her away. He made her go, and he felt the weighty responsibility of bringing her back,

She wasn't safe. Her mind wasn't safe.

The truth of her mother still being alive threatened the girl he refused to believe he cared for so deeply.

No one ever understood why — why her mother's wellness mattered to the dark lord, but Draco, he did.

A chilly night, before his fate to enter Amelie's life was decided, he had overheard the dark lord in a heated conversation with his father, where they discussed the matter of her mother still being alive,

The dark lord is a man, who is buried so deep within the darkness — who is so ruthless in his mind — sadistic, wicked to the point that even one person, one single person fleeing the life he had planned for them to live, caused him to retaliate,

The dark lord was fooled the night he had gotten the news of Amelie's mother's death, and somewhere inside that twisted, wrecked mind of his, he knew — he held the truth of her still being here,

She was alive, and the fact that she carried a piece of his soul with her — made him furious.

Not many things in this life — in this world scared Voldemort, but the fact that Amelie's mother left with a piece that could be the end of his cruel ruling made the dark lord vicious.

And with Amelie's father's escape from under his deviant throne was testimony enough for him to realize that he was right all along,

The vengeance he was destined to seek for her doing such an unruly act — was grave, more than it.

He planned to hunt her mother and the happiness she had found in hiding, to the end of the earth if he was in need to. He would never give up.

The dark lord never gives up.

Draco held the reality of that, and perhaps that was why he was so scared, so intimidated by the thought of Amelie not being safe, all because he knew that Voldemort is capable of the most unforgivable acts, and he would use his dark magic on her, every chance he could get,

His mind was clouded as he stormed up the stairs — it must have been somewhere he hadn't looked yet,

Someplace where she kept something from him. He even tried to search her wand, in attempts to find her through her magic, but it was impossible — because he never got the chance to give it back to her, it rested on his nightstand,

Almost as if he believed that a part of her was with him through it — that she in some way were safer with him holding on to her wand,

And it granted him some peace in the unknown. It comforted him, the thought of her being just an inch safer than she was before.

With his own wand firmly clenched in between his fingertips, he twitched his wrist, mumbling the words apparate to himself,

And in the swifts of moves, he stood safely in front of the Nott residence.

Draco felt guilty being here. He felt ashamed, knowing that he would be able to do anything towards Theodore's father if he didn't reveal what he wanted to hear.

Cursed | Draco Malfoy, 18+Where stories live. Discover now