E i g h t y - t w o

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This chapter mentions abuse, rape, and emotional trauma. Please read with caution. 


''You know I would. I'd do anything for you.''


Amelie was conflicted, to say at least.

She didn't quite know what to do with everything around her as it crumbled. Everything spilled into pieces right in front of her, and she didn't know what to do.

Her mother had left her, indeed. She'd left Amelie to fight her own battles, live through both Adrian and her father's abuse, while she was taking care of someone else — while she carried another child.

It broke her heart. It shattered her to know that, yet she could never hold that against them.

Her brother was the son of Voldemort. Her brother was a Horcrux and someone that would be hunted for the rest of his life if his existence was ever made known. So no matter how much Amelie felt as it ripped her apart, she couldn't be emotional about this.

''Are you sure?'' Draco's voice tipped her out of her own mind, feeling his arm as it tucked around her waist, ''That you want to go back already? You don't have to. We can just stay here for a little—''

With a low huff, she cut him off, ''I want to go back...'' She whispered, gasping out as his lips pushed into her shoulder, ''I need them to be safe, Draco and I— oh God—''

He was pressing himself against her, drowning himself in all of her as he kissed her neck, shoulders, that soft spot right below her ear, ''Mhm, and you...?'' He grinned against her skin.

''And I—'' Amelie pinched her lashes, trying to focus on the words she meant to form, ''And I don't want them to live out here, all alone with no protection. As soon as we figured it out, they were just—''

His hand snaked underneath the covers, slipping around her waist, and he grabbed her hip, ''And they were just—?'' He groaned out at the sense of her skin, smoothly brushing along his, ''Then what, Amelie?''

Amelie shifted around, not saying anything more as he met her soft gaze in the slightly dark room. She had that adorable little curl glued to the brim of her mouth, and he couldn't tear his sight off of it.

He missed her smile.

Cupping her jaw, he dragged her closer in between the sheets until he felt her bare skin on his, and he kissed her again, gently. Memorizing exactly what it felt like, having her lips pushed against his.

''I'm not talking you out of staying here today then?'' He mumbled, breathing hotly into her mouth, and her head shook lightly, feeling her wavy strands of hair as they tickled his arm.

''I'm afraid not,'' She smiled, fully before she let their touch part and she leaned back to her pillow again, ''You don't have to come. I can go there myself if you have other things to—''

Amelie squealed out, her breath hitched in the back of her throat as he sat up against the bed frame, his hands wrapped around her, and he brought her effortlessly to his lap. He didn't even blink.

''What was that?'' He arched his spine, holding her body ever so close to his, ''Was that you acting like a fool again, Amelie?''

''No—'' She managed to chuckle out, licking her bottom lip and looking back at him.

His hair tousled, messy as he lifted a brow, cockily, ''No?'' His lips brushed against hers, ''Then why would you say that? Why would you even propose—''

Cursed | Draco Malfoy, 18+Where stories live. Discover now