F o u r

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This chapter contains scenes of emotional trauma and violent actions. Please read with caution.


'' I'll be here when you wake up. I promise.''


Trails of huffs fled her lips as she stood before her mirror again, shakingly staring at the empty reflection. Her eyes pooled the instant she noticed the horrible scar of her father's cigar.

The wound still reddened, drops of blood coated the surface, and even it was just one mark of many — the scar itself didn't haunt her.

It was the way it caused her to feel, the way it made her think of herself.

Useless, worthless, hopeless, vein.

She felt disgusted with herself.

She hated herself.

Every scar, every bruise, every mark left by someone other than herself portrayed a memory of weakness, a moment where she was too fragile, a time where her body wasn't hers.

And she hated herself, more than anything, because her body wasn't hers anymore. It always seemed to belong to someone else, no matter what she did.

She hated it — all of it, being an Avery, being one of the sacred twenty-eight.

Her father used to be the right hand of the Dark Lord himself, and he was a monster. Her father was a ruthless killer that should've spent the rest of his life in chains in Azkaban, but unfortunately, he did not.

The gravest mistake he ever made, according to himself, was Amelie. He always wished for a son to carry his legacy on, and then, he had a daughter, nevertheless a daughter that ended up in Ravenclaw.

He loathed her.

He despised every bone in her body,

He wished for her to die, and most of the time, so did she, because living a life where you spend most of your days being unwanted and unwished-for — isn't something you do without your mind haunting you.

Amelie flinched out of the thoughts she was drowning in as someone knocked on her dorm door. Her hands tangled around the shirt hanging over her desk chair, pulling it over her head,

'' Teddy—'' She rose, her cheeks flushed as she hauled the door open.

" Listen to this—" Her eyes snapped to Theodore's as he marched into her room with his head buried in a book. The same book he always carried around, mumbling something beneath his breath,

'' Don't waste your love on somebody who doesn't value it.''

Amelie could feel her jaws clench.

Theo flopped down to the bed, still gazing through the sheets, '' Or this one, ready?''

'' Do not swear by the moon, for she changes constantly. Then your love would also change.''

His head flew off the pages to level hers, staring at her with a lofty look, '' Good, right?''

Amelie quickly looked out the door, assuring that nobody saw him come in before slamming it shut after.

She turned to face her best friend as he stood, almost shaking in excitement, '' What did you think about it?''

Her face slightly shifted into a grimace, '' What do I think about what?'' She was confused and hadn't been paying attention to what Theodore said.

Cursed | Draco Malfoy, 18+Where stories live. Discover now