✧ :・゚➽𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭

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It was 2021 and the possibility of a male getting pregnant was VERY low

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It was 2021 and the possibility of a male getting pregnant was VERY low. But there Yeonjun was.

Standing infront of the mirror looking at the little bump in his tummy after throwing up every morning for weeks now.

"I'm fucking pregnant..." he whispers to himself trying not to cry.


4 months ago...
Yeonjun and Beomgyu were getting ready for a party. They both still lived at home since their college was just a few minutes away from them and they would rather not live with a bunch of smelly horny strangers.

Especially since they're gay as hell. What if they get roomed with a... hetero. Ew.

"Hurry your fat ass up!" Beomgyu yells at Yeonjun who was busy taking his precious time with his makeup.

"I know it's fat you don't have to remind me." Yeonjun rolls his eyes continuing what he was doing.

"Don't flatter yourself. You're flat as fuck." Beomgyu rolls his eyes.

"Well at least I have a bump back there while all you have is a flat surface Beomie." Yeonjun teases turning around, finally done with his makeup and giving Beomgyu a sickeningly sweet smile.

"I HATE YOU!" Beomgyu yells throwing a pillow at him. "I think everyone knows you love me whore." Yeonjun says throwing the pillow back at him.

"Your the whore not me. I have a boyfriend who I'm loyal to. You do not." Beomgyu says sticking out his tongue.

"Oh shush it. I may be single but I get more looks from boys than you ever have." Yeonjun says as he walks out the room.

"Now hurry up I've been waiting forever!" Yeonjun yells smiling to himself.

"I'm going to kill him one day." Beomgyu sighs before following behind.


The party was being thrown by one of their closer friends HueningKai. He was sweet and talked to everyone. And had a huge ass house and his parents weren't ever home.

"YEONJUN! BEOMGYU!" Kai yells once he sees them walk through the door. He hugs yeonjun first but not without slapping his ass causing him to yelp.

"KAI!" Yeonjun yells playfully smacking his arm. "What... I cant help it. Ever since we had sex you left me hanging." Kai pouts.

Yeah... they may or may not have fucked once. But Yeonjun was just having fun and Kai understands that. He's just teases. As always.

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