✧ :・゚➽𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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Soobin was nervous as he waited for his best friend to arrive back in their hometown

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Soobin was nervous as he waited for his best friend to arrive back in their hometown.

Yeonjun moved away a year ago after his mother had died. He had no one else to go to so he went to live with his aunt.

The only downside was that she lived 6 hours away.

So Soobin didn't get any opportunity to ever see the older boy... but they had texted everyday since and called eachother almost every night.

But a few weeks ago Yeonjun had called him in the middle of the day explaining how he was finally moving back after begging his aunt.

Soobin couldn't be happier.

He just hoped things would still be the same as they used to be.


Soobin was trying to catch his breath after he sprinted to the address Yeonjun had given him only a few minutes ago.

He couldn't wait to see him.

"Binnie!" Soobin heard his favorite voice squeal. He turned around only to be met with Yeonjun running down the stairs of his new house and jumping right into his arms.

Soobin didn't even hesitate to wrap his arms tightly around the olders waist. Still as small as ever.

"I missed you so much." Yeonjun sniffles into his neck. "I missed you too Junnie." Soobin whispers back.

Yeonjun pulls away and presses their foreheads together. Looking him right in the eyes.

Soobin couldn't help but study the older boys face and how much it's changed.

He used to have round cheeks that he thought were adorable but now his face was quite slim.

His lips seemed to be even plumper and pouty if that was even possible, eyes becoming even more defined and cat-like.

His pink hair was what really made him stick out. Soobin didn't even know he had dyed it.

It looks amazing on him though. Even the yellow he had died his hair when they were in middle school looked amazing on him.

Soobin didn't think anyone else could pull it off like Yeonjun could.

He had always been beautiful. Soobin didn't think he could get any better looking but he was proved very wrong.

"What happened to you! My baby grew up on me." Yeonjun pouts as he pulls at Soobin's stretchy cheeks.

"At least they still stretch!" Yeonjun giggles as he grabs both of them and squishes his cheeks together.

Soobin just flushes red and whines at the older boy. Yeonjun's always had this affect on him.

Embarassing him. Flustering him.

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